Late to the part but started getting rust/orange spots on my 4 week old bitch. Ask around and came down to cal, mag or I think phosphorus. I decided to let ot go since I know each individual ppm of my mix and that was a week ago. It has started to spread on to more leafs. I started to wonder about my lights being to close but besides only being the canopy that is effect nothig else.
Then I remembered hearing about mag deficiency brought on by led lights. Some people say bullshit and others say they have tested it and found it to be true. Did some online research for a little bit and came back from with this from a topline led fixture maker for there own lights, highend cob or strip.
Sometimes magnesium deficiencies are reported when making the switch to LED’s. This is because magnesium is a central element in the production of chlorophyll. When we make the move to LED’s, a more chlorophyll targeted spectrum is part of the benefits. As well as overall higher photosynthetic activity. But in order to reap those benefits, we need to match the elemental requirements of the increased chlorophyll focused reactions taking place.
Common hydroponic fertilizers recipes, usually contain between 40-60ppm Mg. We have found that a range or 75-90ppm of Mg to ideal under LED lighting. The best way to increase only Mg and not introduce more nitrogen, is to add 1gram of epsom salt(Magnesium Sulfate) per gallon of nutrient solution. 1gram/gallon of epsom salt adds ~25ppm of Mg and 30ppm of S, and is usually a sufficient supplement to most fertilizer programs.