need info on co2 supplemintation. settle dispute.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who has never grown but seems to be convinced that if you have a co2 tank in your grow room youl get 2-3 times the yeild. I said if that was true people would be going crazy over co2 supplementation. Everyone would have to have co2, right? Shit if Ican get 2-3 times the yeild by investing $250 in a co2 tank and regulator thats the first thing that I would be buying.
But if I stand corrected I'll go invest in a tank next fuckin week if I have to. Or else my fan blowing fresh air into the grow tent by bottom vent flaps will do just fine.
I just harvested 3 sativas that gave me over 100 grams each flowered under my 1000 wat hps.


Active Member
I have a friend who has never grown but seems to be convinced that if you have a co2 tank in your grow room youl get 2-3 times the yeild. I said if that was true people would be going crazy over co2 supplementation. Everyone would have to have co2, right? Shit if Ican get 2-3 times the yeild by investing $250 in a co2 tank and regulator thats the first thing that I would be buying.
But if I stand corrected I'll go invest in a tank next fuckin week if I have to. Or else my fan blowing fresh air into the grow tent by bottom vent flaps will do just fine.
I just harvested 3 sativas that gave me over 100 grams each flowered under my 1000 wat hps.
I tend to agree with you anhedonia. I am not that experienced, but there does seem to me a lack of conclusive study on the increased yield of a closed system with CO2 control over fresh air intake and exhaust. I could be wrong about this though. it seems to me a waist of time and money to do implement both of these approaches in a single grow space. Has anyone here done such a study??



Active Member
i am new to growing bud, but i have a large planted aquarium that i run pressurized co2 on, and i can tell you that for underwater it makes an absolutely huge difference. of coarse you have to have more light and ferts but plants grow 2-3 times faster. i imagine co2 is alot more scarce in aquariums since it naturally wants to escape the water as quickly as it can, but im sure it still makes a big difference for growing bud.


Well-Known Member
2-3 times the yield? I doubt it. A tank and regulator and flow meter without a monitor/controler isn't the best.

A flow meter on the tank will regulate how much is being dumped into the room, but it doesn't account for how much the one little plant or forest is using.

Think closer to $400 or better. My CO2 monitor alone which ties into my controler was $400, tank and reg $200, have the valve, PLC controler $200, AD/DA module $200. Granted, I'm way over tech'd)


Well-Known Member
i would say that it grows faster in vegitation and it produces 2 times the thc crystals (i know this by experience)...

But, and this is even more inmportant, don't use it unless its a controlled and measured enviroment... it is easy to screw up and if you do screw up, your harvest will be early and garbage.....

so i do reccomend it (with extreme caution)... and the reason not everyone does it, is because to get all variables in order its an expensive system.. not just the tank, regulator and hose.. the meters and all can run $500.00 +

just like big bud said.. it can be quite expensive when done correctly which is the only way i reccomend..


Well-Known Member
i have one ,i believe it cost $500 and that was some years ago ,but i think it was made for a greenhouse at is a big fucker,so i used to have it on very low ,and it did seem to speed up growth ,dont know about yeild ,this grow i am not going to use it ,so ,maybe i will notice the difference.


Well-Known Member
if you only have 3 plants why spend all that money on c02 tanks,for a couple of plants make your own for next to nothing