Well-Known Member
that is what have have used for years .......pick a subject and learn everything i can ......but the current trouble is i am out of safe subjects to learn on ......weed is the last thing after that is a lab set up to make lsd( make the lsd 25 and trip for life )
moonshine only took me 2 years to learn and from what everyone tells me my shine is the shit ...best stuff they tasted even at 140 proof ( i mean the shit is so simple it all about copper to pull sulfates out of it to smooth it out ) ....all those applepie moonshine whiskey rum vodka brandy
weed has been 5 years i can grow auto plants that put off LBs of weed in 110 days ........photos and making my own genetics are the last thing i have to learn ......i know indoor design i know outdoor design hell i know how to make tincture oil wax vape pen carts candies cookies butter rso
i am running out of stuff that i enjoy and is ok for me to know about
Did you know that most professional forgers copy signatures upside down? I didn't. Why do they do that? Because it prevents them from seeing "letters" and being influenced by their own burned in patterns for writing those letters. It forces them to really see the lines and squiggles and not "letters". In other words, to see what is really there.
I got that out of a book titled, Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain after deciding I wanted to learn how to sketch. The book was really about learning to "see", as in the forgery example. I spent three or four months working through the book and doing the exercises and practicing. I learned a lot. That was twenty-five years ago and I haven't sketched since.
It can be anything and it doesn't have to lead to a skill or product (usually hasn't in my case). Getting started is the most frustratingly difficult part. Once I do, I have never regretted it.
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