Need help with location


Active Member
I am currently growing 4 plants inside of my closet and have come to a predicament. My parents were allowing me to grow my plants without icident until my younger brother was caught with bud on him. The excuse my parents gave " how can we tell him not to smoke when you are growing in the house?" Great, i am looking for a new spot to do them. I just switched to flowering after 7 weeks of vegging. If i cant find another place to put them should i place them should i place them outside amd hope for the best? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks .. I know what I would do .. beat up my brother for getting caught ..

on a more seriously note .. if it realy is impossible to finish them inside then I would either ..

a. find a good location out side near you .. so you can keep a eye on them daily (and dont tell anybody .. specialy not your brother)

b. ask a friend to finish them off either inside or in his garden (prommise him to share)

good luck .. and ask your parents this from me .. do you think his brother will quit smokeing just Bc. he dont grow it anymore ?


Active Member
You are saying everything i have already said. As if he just started the minute i started growing. Dumb parents. But thanks for the post i will most likely put them outside near my house. Parents don't go outside to the woods. Still ripshit about the whole thing. Need my own house for sure!


Well-Known Member
yea that is what I love about being a house owner ... you can do as you like ..

but actualy .. if you can keep em free from thifs and bugs and provide a littel nutriens Im sure they actualy will thank you (unless you put em in a pine forest under the biggest tree with no light comming to em :))

see if you can find a spot wher they cant be seen from any road or pat ... if they might be seen on distance you could train em to keep em low so you have to stand next to em to notice em ..

avoyd to leave anything near em .. dont draw attension ..

try to find a nice sunny spot wher the sunn shine most hours of the day (in most cases not the north side but dunno about location .. use commen sens)

if anybody ask about em you dump em as your parents ask you to ..

mix water/nutriance in your room/bathroom and hide it in your bag leaveing the hous ..
dont go ther 10 times a day to check on em .. they wont grow faster .. you only risk nosy Ppl. a few times a week when you go running in the woods or what ever is enough or maybe early in the morning if you want to check on em daily .. and after a few hot days with no rain you might want to go and check on em/water em aso.

if possible buy some nice dirt and dig some holes before you plant em .. to give em a good start .. dirt is cheap .. just some cheap flower/potting dirt from your local shop will do fine .. here I can get a cheap bag with 5 gallons or so .. for like 4$

and remove any plants just next to em ..

good luck ..


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea and you might want to haverst early .. if anybody is watching they will do the same ..

not 4 weeks early .. maybe just week before you normaly would .. better to get 1/4 a oz less then it is to come and discover they are gone (my friend lost 22 plants once .. like 2-3 days before he was planing to haverst)


Well-Known Member
just explain to ur parents it would be a great loss let me finish them and thats it i wont grow in the house anymore,im sure they will let u finish what your doing then do no more considerign the money spent,,failing that send em to me il have em :)