Need help with germination...


Active Member
I was using the SAME EXACT DEATH CUBES, they are not for the new of us eh....I don't mean that in any sort of degrading way, they are just too many gd damned variables too use these as a newbie...I am in your same exact boat but with worse results than you, and it is killin me eh, ...I also purchased a 50 count bag of Rapid Rooter from Amazon for like $15...I am understanding they are a better idea for us newbs...Allows air, and controls moisture better, I am testing them out in the dome seedless, this is what I have have the tray and dome, do you also have the round tray insert? if so it fits the rapid rooter plugs perfect, I moisten the rooter plugs if they are dry with your PH'd water, then watch them every 24 hours for moisture...I am also adding a humidifier to my room too add moisture, my room is 20% way too low for these babies...good luck....
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Well-Known Member
I'm using a hydroponics system. My understanding was that sprouts should only be transfered from dome to the hydroponic system, once a root system can be seen eminating from the bottom and sides of the rockwool cube. Is my understanding correct?
No dome. Yes wait for them to get three sets of small shoots or single leaves and some roots coming out of the bottom of the grow plug. If you were cloning then it is a different process with the dome. You are getting the two mixed up.


Well-Known Member
purple is a good dude, hes trying to help you as much as he can,
most of the people running around on this forum will try and help you as much as they can but each one of us will have differing opinions and things that work for us,Like I said there are thousands of ways of growing,
I remember when I was where you are at, growing is like a journey that never ends you never stop learning,
go ahead and run your dirt, but im going to try and advance you a couple of years worth of headache,
Buy two gallon buckets,buy a bag of perlite, around 20 bucks,around 4 cu ft
Buy micro, and bloom from general hydroponics or AN has a similar product called monkey juice,
both of them are what id call cheap in price,
Put holes in the bucket about 3 to 4 inch's up from the bottom,a few of them,
put perlite into bucket,
this is called lucas formula,mix water in veg with 5 ml of micro,(do not need to buy grow) and then put 10 ml per gallon of bloom into water, Check PH,,it should be about perfect as lucas formula self PHs , ar around 5.5 to around 5.8 PH automatic,
pour water into bucket with plant,DONE this is for veg,
In bloom,,same formula, use 8 ml of micro, and 16 ml of bloom, Pour into bucket with plant in bloom,done,
you do not need large containers to grow massive plants , this is some times called passive hydroponics,
Dirt to do well Is the hardest method of growing yet many people think it is the easiest . It is not,
the real expert growers are dirt growers as there are a lot of factors involved in dirt growing from PH problems to bugs, It is heavy to work with and takes a lot more work,
It is a common misconception to new growers that dirt is going to be simple and cheap,Nothing is further from the truth,


Active Member
I have heard and read so much in the last week my brain is in silly mode, paper towels, cotton cloth, water method, hydrogen peroxide and glass of water, glass of water for an hr, 5 hrs, 24 hours, 24 to 36 hours, plant them in soil directly, at 1 1/2 in, no no no, says another, only 1/2 in, no no no says another only 1/4 in, no no no says another, you get my drift. It seems to me damn wars could be fought over the proper germination technique, and everyone says this method is 100% full proof, except the 20 comments below that one that all contradict the other one's. You can see for the new grower this is the painful area of learning. I cannot wait until this is legal and we can all get on one damned page.
On a another note, some of the info I learned today says only use paper towel method with old dry seeds, not ever with fresh seeds, there are parts of the tap root, like small fingers, that become attached to said paper towel and tear off when you pull them, also learned today that the water in cup method is only best for old seeds or very dried out seeds, fresh seeds, like the expensive ass seeds I bought from a bank, are not recommended for water cup, but instead straight into my soil....Then I read at least 3 different depths to plant the seeds, the first being 1/4 in, and so forth....All this different info is very overwhelming eh...but I will keep puttering on, just need to take that next step off the dock off into the deep, cold, black ocean....


Active Member
purple is a good dude, hes trying to help you as much as he can,
most of the people running around on this forum will try and help you as much as they can but each one of us will have differing opinions and things that work for us,Like I said there are thousands of ways of growing,
I remember when I was where you are at, growing is like a journey that never ends you never stop learning,
go ahead and run your dirt, but im going to try and advance you a couple of years worth of headache,
Buy two gallon buckets,buy a bag of perlite, around 20 bucks,around 4 cu ft
Buy micro, and bloom from general hydroponics or AN has a similar product called monkey juice,
both of them are what id call cheap in price,
Put holes in the bucket about 3 to 4 inch's up from the bottom,a few of them,
put perlite into bucket,
this is called lucas formula,mix water in veg with 5 ml of micro,(do not need to buy grow) and then put 10 ml per gallon of bloom into water, Check PH,,it should be about perfect as lucas formula self PHs , ar around 5.5 to around 5.8 PH automatic,
pour water into bucket with plant,DONE this is for veg,
In bloom,,same formula, use 8 ml of micro, and 16 ml of bloom, Pour into bucket with plant in bloom,done,
you do not need large containers to grow massive plants , this is some times called passive hydroponics,
Dirt to do well Is the hardest method of growing yet many people think it is the easiest . It is not,
the real expert growers are dirt growers as there are a lot of factors involved in dirt growing from PH problems to bugs, It is heavy to work with and takes a lot more work,
It is a common misconception to new growers that dirt is going to be simple and cheap,Nothing is further from the truth,
I just mixed into my new 44 gal brute trash can, half a bale of peat, couple scoops of vermiculite, perlite, and 2 bags of ancient forest, 1 bag of black gold.
Stirred like mad after each add, then covered and letting it sit till my beans get here, maybe longer, I just read somewhere about cooking soil, and I was like, jesus h mother of anushell! Another chapter I have not ever heard of, cooking soil....ugh...sigh, sadface, puff, puff, all better....


Well-Known Member
the first pic is my room the second is my buddys,I have that plant now, chocolate diesel, first is orion,
first shot grown in perlite, the second is grown in rock wool crutons,
you can trust what I tell you,
just keep it simple and get you one two gallon bucket like I told you to set it up and some general hydro micro and bloom and run one of them when you get some plants to run,and some clean water,
just keep it simple, don't have to do anything fancy,just a good plant, make sure your temps and humidity are right make sure you have good airflow and air change over in your room and you will do good,
the grow environment is more important than the nutes by far,


Well-Known Member
this is my impatient germination technique which gave me 100% germination rates (so as long as the beans aren't duds, and you need surgical precise hands)

ambient temp/rh: 27 celcius, 50-60 RH. so no heatpad for me.

1.) soak seeds in water for 12 hours, occasionally tapping them so they sink.
2.) after 12 hours, i transfer them to paper towels and into a airtight container (i use tupperwear)
3.) after 12-24 hours, if beans don't crack, i squeeze (i squeeze where the two shells meet) the beans until i hear a little pop, or it cracks open (CAREFULLY, hence surgical precise hands), then return to paper towels
4.) guaranteed germination, basically you're just assisting the seed in getting water to the embryo early.


Well-Known Member
This shouldn't be that hard...a couple of these methods have me scratching my head like wtf. Put the seed in a wet paper towel. Put the paper towel in a tupperware. Place tupperware in dark place. Keep at the temperature you keep your house at. No need for heating pad. Don't check on your seed for 48 hours. Then gently open paper towel and check. You want your tap root 1/4 of an inch long. No less a little longer won't hurt. Then fill your solo cup up with your soil. Shake the soil so it settles but don't pack it down. Take a pencil poke a whole 1/2 deep. Place seed taproot down.gently put 1/4 of an inch of soil on top. I use a 24 watt t5. Keep it about 8 inches above cup on 24 hours a day for the first 2 weeks. if it has a taproot when you plant it it will sprout. After you plant it, it'll pop in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
fold paper towel, get paper towel wet, put seeds in paper towel at one end,put paper towel into cup with water in the bottom and seeds at the top of the cup, paper towel works as wick keeping it wet,WA LA , done


New Member
No dome. Yes wait for them to get three sets of small shoots or single leaves and some roots coming out of the bottom of the grow plug. If you were cloning then it is a different process with the dome. You are getting the two mixed up.
I have a premature plant that has 4 sets of leaves and is between 3 inches and 4 inches. This plant doesn't have any roots eminating from the bottom or sides of the rockwool cube. Should this plant be removed from the dome and placed in the hydroponic system?