Need help with germination...


Well-Known Member
you can visual see when rapid rooters need water, when they start turning a light brown , just get you a squirt bottle and spray them with ph balanced water until they are dark brown again,
are you growing outside? how tall are your ceilings?
it doesn't hurt a plant to transplant it,
are you growing inside,?
how tall are your ceilings ?
what are you growing in ?


Active Member
nonsense?do you know what is in his well water? I don't,,had a buddy who had a lot of iron in his well water was straight fucking up his plants, If he doesn't know whats in the water you do not either,
I am going to get a damned PH tester from amazon clear the whole matter up, was hoping I could escape without it, guess not...


Active Member
BASIL...I just found another forum where and identical newbie burned his little seedlings to death and was asking for like seeds to practice, and Basil is the answer, apparently a lot in common in growing...I will be getting some soon, keep everyone posted...Practice makes perfect, and I want perfect smoke let the dirty work begin...


Well-Known Member
BASIL...I just found another forum where and identical newbie burned his little seedlings to death and was asking for like seeds to practice, and Basil is the answer, apparently a lot in common in growing...I will be getting some soon, keep everyone posted...Practice makes perfect, and I want perfect smoke let the dirty work begin...
plants In the size of containers you are talking about can get huge,
there are thousands of ways to grow, If you are going to use dirt ,use a lot of garden lime in it , stay away from miracle grow or anything time released,
The garden lime will keep the soil ph balanced and give the plant calcium that it needs,
If you use a soil like fox farm do not start your seedlings in it after you get it started,,just use some garden dirt to start them off,then use a little garden dirt with the amended soil(like fox farm) if you don't it will be to hot for the baby plant and can burn it up,
miracle grow makes a organic soil that works ok to start plants in, do not forget to use garden lime in anything soil,its like 5 bucks for a 50 bag at lowes or home depot , it only takes a handful mixed into a bag of soil, can top dress it from time to time,
do not forget from time to time to check your run off ph,
you just pour ph balanced water into the soil let it run through the soil , collect some of the water and test its ph


....might even just buy a new tray, these damend things are so cheaply made they rip at just a tiny itty bitty twist...ridiculous when you consider the price for this damned germ station.....
Go shopping in hardware stores. I bought a germination kit from a seed company that cost 5x as much as I paid for the same thing, but of much higher quality, in my local supermarket. The kit tray was so light weight it needed to be weighted down if it was empty or the grow room fan would blow it over.

I think our first grows will involve a lot of learning...seems we both have many pitfalls to navigate :)


Active Member
plants In the size of containers you are talking about can get huge,
there are thousands of ways to grow, If you are going to use dirt ,use a lot of garden lime in it , stay away from miracle grow or anything time released,
The garden lime will keep the soil ph balanced and give the plant calcium that it needs,
If you use a soil like fox farm do not start your seedlings in it after you get it started,,just use some garden dirt to start them off,then use a little garden dirt with the amended soil(like fox farm) if you don't it will be to hot for the baby plant and can burn it up,
miracle grow makes a organic soil that works ok to start plants in, do not forget to use garden lime in anything soil,its like 5 bucks for a 50 bag at lowes or home depot , it only takes a handful mixed into a bag of soil, can top dress it from time to time,
do not forget from time to time to check your run off ph,
you just pour ph balanced water into the soil let it run through the soil , collect some of the water and test its ph
I am using Black Gold, Ancient Forest, 2 large bales of Peat, a large bag of vermiculite, and a large bag of perlite...and for nutes I have both veg and flower from Guano Company, i think it is Budswel and Super Tea mix, I also just purchased 2 44 gal Brute trash cans, gosh damned expensive, but for life, one for mixing soil, one for mixing the water and nutes with an air stone over night.


Well-Known Member
I used to grow in soil, but its to much like work, and to much to go wrong, and expensive to do it right,
just don't forget to add garden lime to that mix,


New Member
Grow 2.JPG.jpg
I'm currently on my second grow. I'm attempting to germinate the seeds in Grodan A-OK 1.5 inch rockwool starter plugs. Rockwool plugs were soaked for 30 minutes in filtered water that was PH balanced to PH 5.5. Seeds were then inserted about 0.25 inches below the top surface of the starter plug, next to pre-existing rockwool hole. The seed hole was then pinched closed. One seed was planted per starter plug. 15 starter plugs were then evenly spaced in a germination dome and then placed on a heating pad, set to 80 Deg F. The dome was then placed under two T5 grow lights. Dome and heating pad are located in the germination chamber of a SuperCloset SuperStar. The germination chamber is the upper chamber. 13 days into the grow and only one of the seeds has sprouted into a small/premature clone.

Check the starter plugs on a daily basis and at day 7 of the grow and each day afterward, when I check the starter plugs each night, I notice that they're slightly on the dry side. To remedy this, I dipped each starter plug in filtered water to get it wet and then put it back under the dome, with the dome on the heating pad.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my germinated seeds to sprout in the starter plug and grow to become healthy clones? I certain I'm doing something wrong.

The four starter plugs resting on top of the coffee filter in the top left of the photo are from the first grow. As you can probably tell, the first grow was a failure. I'll explain what wrong with the first grow another time.
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 3380763
I'm currently on my second grow. I'm attempting to germinate the seeds in Grodan A-OK 1.5 inch rockwool starter plugs. Rockwool plugs were soaked for 30 minutes in filtered water that was PH balanced to PH 5.5. Seeds were then inserted about 0.25 inches below the top surface of the starter plug, next to pre-existing rockwool hole. The seed hole was then pinched closed. One seed was planted per starter plug. 15 starter plugs were then evenly spaced in a germination dome and then placed on a heating pad, set to 80 Deg F. The dome was then placed under two T5 grow lights. Dome and heating pad are located in the germination chamber of a SuperCloset SuperStar. The germination chamber is the upper chamber. 13 days into the grow and only one of the seeds has sprouted into a small/premature clone.

Check the starter plugs on a daily basis and at day 7 of the grow and each day afterward, when I check the starter plugs each night, I notice that they're slightly on the dry side. To remedy this, I dipped each starter plug in filtered water to get it wet and then put it back under the dome, with the dome on the heating pad.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my germinated seeds to sprout in the starter plug and grow to become healthy clones? I certain I'm doing something wrong.

The four starter plugs resting on top of the coffee filter in the top left of the photo are from the first grow. As you can probably tell, the first grow was a failure. I'll explain what wrong with the first grow another time.
Seriously rockwool is too inert even for seedlings. Soak those plugs in some Azos.


Well-Known Member
No dome is ever needed for seedlings, after they sprout in the paper towel or in the cube NO MORE DOME, they are ready to go. They needed water and air and nutrients.
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New Member
No dome is ever needed for seedlings, after they sprout in the paper towel or in the cube NO MORE DOME, they are ready to go. They needed water and air and nutrients.
I'm using a hydroponics system. My understanding was that sprouts should only be transfered from dome to the hydroponic system, once a root system can be seen eminating from the bottom and sides of the rockwool cube. Is my understanding correct?