need help with germinate'ing seed


i have a jack herer seed and was wondering whats the best way to germinate it ?
or would you just plant it without doing so.?:?


Well-Known Member
i dunno about a washcloth... with a paper towel u can tear it and leave some attached to the root if the tiny hairs grasp ahold of it... with a washcloth you might cause damage removing it.

I scuff my seeds with a chick nail file (emory board?) then drop it into a shot glass of water... once it sinks I know the water has penetrated it...

I place it on top of a paper towel folded into quarters, wet, then place another paper towel folded into quarters on top, wet, then i place a large clear bowel upside-down over everything.. wet before completely dry (which will take a long time if you have the bowl over the paper towel)

all of my healthy seeds germ within 2-4 days...


Well-Known Member
Ive done it in a washclothe and mason jar before and mine grew but yea you do gotta be careful. This method made mine germ in like a day. Maybe I just got good genetics. Your way works tho. Ive also done that too. This was something new I read and tried.


Active Member
I use a wet paper towel and a zip top bag. Fold the towel over and over until you have a rectangle about 2 by 3 inches. Wet it down so it is wet, but not totally soggy, open up the last fold, place seed in, and fold closed again. Put the towel in the bag and close it up, getting all the air out you can. Leave the bag in a dark, room temp area (I use a dresser drawer) and within a few days you will see your tap root shoot out. Once you have a tap root like 1/2 inch long, gently put it in your growing medium. I like to use jiffy starting mix, poke a hole with a chopstick about an inch deep, put in seed, and gently fill it in.


Well-Known Member
I use the following method which in my opinion is less stressful and means you cannot give the taproot any damage.

1. Soak the seed for 6hours in water
2. Prepare you medium and make a hole 1/16 inch into the middle
3. Take you seed and plant it in this hole
4. Cover the seed over with some soil from around the hole
5. Place a humidity dome over it (this can be a clear plastic bottle bottom)
6. Place under a small 6400k CFL on 18/6
7. Wait

this can take anything from 2 to 7 days to pop above the surface. Once it pops above the surface you can remove the humidity dome.



Well-Known Member
I use the following method which in my opinion is less stressful and means you cannot give the taproot any damage.

1. Soak the seed for 6hours in water
2. Prepare you medium and make a hole 1/16 inch into the middle
3. Take you seed and plant it in this hole
4. Cover the seed over with some soil from around the hole
5. Place a humidity dome over it (this can be a clear plastic bottle bottom)
6. Place under a small 6400k CFL on 18/6
7. Wait

this can take anything from 2 to 7 days to pop above the surface. Once it pops above the surface you can remove the humidity dome.

good method, Im trying that next grow because I hate handling germed seeds.


Well-Known Member
i had a germ rate of 4 out of 4 on my latest grow using this method.

Everyone that reads it says that the light is not necessary but i think it helps.

Alot of people have tried this method now and they love it.

Remember KISS Keep It Simple Stoner

This is the easiest method i know of that doesnt hurt any part of the seed.

there is a specific way that i plant the seed also.

When you look at the seed there will be a pointy end and a nearly flat end. (i dont know the botanical terms for this)

