Need Help With Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I want to odor proof my closet and I was wondering if panda film is good enough for the job. If not, does anyone have any ideas to smell proof a closet?

I also attached a mock setup I designed in illustrator. The final inside space ifI made the to show my setup space.
I have a
60"long x 94" high x 25"wide closet (space seperated by a wooden platform)
400w HPS reflector with ballast hanging from the wooden bar

Any comments will be helpful. I really need to find a good way to smell proof this closet.



Active Member
Hi, i'm not familular with Panda Film. I have similar set up to you and use a 100mm ruck fan and carbon filter. this works really well but there is still a little smell. The most efective way i imagine is the place the fiter in a box with a small fan to extract the filtered air directly outside. If you are not concerned about neibours then i would extract directly outside and lose the filter.


Active Member
I saw this but decided to buy the real thing. I bought off ebay a new fan and filter for £80. It has been great, reliable and quiet.
I feel that if it takes a day to find components and make then i will go to work for an extra day and buy the fan desiged specifaclly to do the job


Active Member
i saw this and decided to buy a 100mm ruck fan and carbon fliter from Ebay. The way i see it is it will take a day to find the components and make, so instead i go to work for an extra day and buy the real thing. One that is specically designed for the job.


Well-Known Member
I want to odor proof my closet and I was wondering if panda film is good enough for the job. If not, does anyone have any ideas to smell proof a closet?

I also attached a mock setup I designed in illustrator. The final inside space ifI made the to show my setup space.
I have a
60"long x 94" high x 25"wide closet (space seperated by a wooden platform)
400w HPS reflector with ballast hanging from the wooden bar

Any comments will be helpful. I really need to find a good way to smell proof this closet.
The biggest flaw with this plan is that your not going to have any ventilation, if you plan to smell proof the area by basically sealing it, then the heat in that cupboard is going to get seriously hot, temps will get upto about 45-55 deg cel. The other thing as well is that the plants will not be getting any co2 so they will suffocate, you need to have some sort of ventilation in place which then locks out the idea of sealing it to smell proof.

Your going to need some osc fans to keep the air circulating in there so it doesnt become still, and then you need some way of extracting the heat.


Well-Known Member
I want to odor proof my closet and I was wondering if panda film is good enough for the job. If not, does anyone have any ideas to smell proof a closet?

I also attached a mock setup I designed in illustrator. The final inside space ifI made the to show my setup space.
I have a
60"long x 94" high x 25"wide closet (space seperated by a wooden platform)
400w HPS reflector with ballast hanging from the wooden bar

Any comments will be helpful. I really need to find a good way to smell proof this closet.
not sure if its and option but you could run some sort of duct into your attic
and just make sure you got a vent up there tht goes outside you so you dont reak your house up if theres vents into other rooms close them off to be sure it does go outside. if you cut a square or round hole in the top of the closet and save the piece you could use it to patch the hole up again and paint it back over if need be.


Well-Known Member
Heat kills your plants,Smell will get you busted.2 weeks ago house in tampa fl busted,the neighborhood smell like pot ,the neighbors complain to the city about the smell.Boom one grow house busted.{NO SMELL} one word {CARBON FLITER}anything else is a cover up.I do exhaust into the attic through a carbon filter and the attic air is pulled out the gable vent by a 20"box fan sitting in front of the vent.No smell no trouble.Peace


Well-Known Member
Heat kills your plants,Smell will get you busted.2 weeks ago house in tampa fl busted,the neighborhood smell like pot ,the neighbors complain to the city about the smell.Boom one grow house busted.{NO SMELL} one word {CARBON FLITER}anything else is a cover up.I do exhaust into the attic through a carbon filter and the attic air is pulled out the gable vent by a 20"box fan sitting in front of the vent.No smell no trouble.Peace
yea but was that guy growing in a small closet no probaly a whole room a closet with a few plants wouldent stink the niehborhood up much less even his own house probaly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the responses.

The biggest flaw with this plan is that your not going to have any ventilation, if you plan to smell proof the area by basically sealing it, then the heat in that cupboard is going to get seriously hot, temps will get upto about 45-55 deg cel. The other thing as well is that the plants will not be getting any co2 so they will suffocate, you need to have some sort of ventilation in place which then locks out the idea of sealing it to smell proof.
Your right nongreenthumb. I ran the 400w HPS last night without anything in it. The closet sliding doors were closed, and the temps got too hot. UP TO 95!. :evil: I am not going to do co2 so I need to bring down the temp. I was thinking about partitioning the closet (putting up a temporary wall) with a wood panel or something and having it vent into the non growing part of the closet and manage my temps and odor there. Probably put the wall up so it leaves 40"-45" of grow room inside and put active exhaust fans on the top and passive intakes on the bottom. I already have a couple of fans for the inside to circulate the air.

not sure if its and option but you could run some sort of duct into your attic
and just make sure you got a vent up there tht goes outside you so you dont reak your house up if theres vents into other rooms close them off to be sure it does go outside. if you cut a square or round hole in the top of the closet and save the piece you could use it to patch the hole up again and paint it back over if need be.
tok3s - I am trying to avoid cutting holes in the wall

Any other comments would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the responses.

Your right nongreenthumb. I ran the 400w HPS last night without anything in it. The closet sliding doors were closed, and the temps got too hot. UP TO 95!. :evil: I am not going to do co2 so I need to bring down the temp. I was thinking about partitioning the closet (putting up a temporary wall) with a wood panel or something and having it vent into the non growing part of the closet and manage my temps and odor there. Probably put the wall up so it leaves 40"-45" of grow room inside and put active exhaust fans on the top and passive intakes on the bottom. I already have a couple of fans for the inside to circulate the air.

tok3s - I am trying to avoid cutting holes in the wall

Any other comments would be appreciated.
since you mentiond spliting up the closet put a carbon filter on exuast and manage your smell tht way.


Well-Known Member
tok3s - yea looks like I am going to split up the closet and I am drawing it out right now. I like to have a clear plan before going to the hardware store. Thanks for your input!

About the carbon filter, I have seen people make their own and I have seen really expensive ones to purchase ready made. Is there any advantage to spending the extra money and purchasing one?


Well-Known Member
tok3s - yea looks like I am going to split up the closet and I am drawing it out right now. I like to have a clear plan before going to the hardware store. Thanks for your input!

About the carbon filter, I have seen people make their own and I have seen really expensive ones to purchase ready made. Is there any advantage to spending the extra money and purchasing one?
if you live near a home depot they sell replacement carbon activated filters wich are what the premade ones/air cleaners use so as long as its constructed similar to a already made one its about the same but it also depends on your strain some have been so strong tht they went trough my carbon filter but i gues if you wanted to you could add the ona bucket thing or use pinesol/water mixture but ive never used tht so i couldent reallly say if tht works but good luck.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I already have some ona and a bucket with fan, but have not put it together. I am going to look into having my exhaust go into a carbon filter if possible. I dont want to spend alot of money if possible.


New Member
This sounds pretty well thought out.:roll:

'and the attic air is pulled out the cable vent' ...meaning that the air is filtered and completely circulated and goes back out.


Heat kills your plants,Smell will get you busted.2 weeks ago house in tampa fl busted,the neighborhood smell like pot ,the neighbors complain to the city about the smell.Boom one grow house busted.{NO SMELL} one word {CARBON FLITER}anything else is a cover up.I do exhaust into the attic through a carbon filter and the attic air is pulled out the gable vent by a 20"box fan sitting in front of the vent.No smell no trouble.Peace


Well-Known Member
I already have some ona and a bucket with fan, but have not put it together. I am going to look into having my exhaust go into a carbon filter if possible. I dont want to spend alot of money if possible.
i checked up on the filters only 11 bucks i think if you wraped it around the duct fan 25$ it would do a pretty good job on filtering air. idk if you live by home depot or a lowes or not but they have similar stuff so im sure you could find it at both and for cheap only 36$ or less depending what you use.
Honeywell Universal Carbon Pre-Filter - 38002 at The Home Depot
Inductor 4 In. In-line Duct Fan - DB204 at The Home Depot

this the original plan that i followed but i made my own modifications to it due to my situation.


for 100 bucks you can get a real small 5000 btu window airconditioner that would easily cool your closet... just have to find the right spot for it (i'd say it's basically 1.5ftx1.5ftx1.5ft for dimensions... they have them at home depot, lowes, sears, target, walmart, k-mart... all basically the same thing (for like 30-40 dollars more you get the digital ones instead of the analog, just fyi)