Need help with checking trichomes


Active Member
So I got done reading a thread about checking trichomes, and had to go out & get a microscope that would take pictures. I would like some input from experienced growers as to the percentage of cloudy/clear/amber. I know there's no amber on mine yet, but what about clear/cloudy? Also, what are the ones that have like a little ball, then a spike? Is that an undeveloped trichome, or something else altogether? Then, last question, what the hell could possibly be pink? I saw at least one spot on all 3 leaves I clipped off. I looked with bare eyes, and its impossible to see, I used a quick shot of duster in case it was a foreign object but it stayed there. I'm confused as to what this could be... noone ever mentioned pink trichomes in the sticky thread!!??, lol.

Just to clarify, I KNOW I'm not ready to harvest yet, just curious as to how they look so far?

day 55 (2).jpgday 55 1 (2).jpgday 55 2 (2).jpgday 55 3 (2).jpgpink 2 day 55 (2).jpgpink day 55 (2).jpgwierd spike day 55 (2).jpg
First off you go by the trichs on the calyxes not the leaves. Tho this is a good way to practice if you really dont know what to look for. Ok.... so they look a little cloudy but not all the way cloudy and some still look totally clear. So if you want an example pic3 mid way up all the way to the left. Thats cloudy, not quite all milky but getting there. There are different kinds of trichomes but yes it could be the same kind of trich just the ball hasn't ballooned yet. As for the pink, thrichs have lenses in them they use these to grab light thats harmful the to bud and create cannabinoids with the energy. I've read contradicting articles about what the plant actually uses this energy for tho so I wont go into detail cause I'm not sure on that information. But yea I've had friends claim their trichomes are blue and I'm like oh yea... you sure its not that blue neon sign you have or the purple paint on the walls refracting thru the trichomes lens. lol. I've even seen pictures shine through. kinda like this....
So what about this? Are some of these looking amber?

amber ish.jpg

Some of these look pretty cloudy to me (my novice opinion) and the little ones on the left look to be golden/ amber? I know you said not to worry about what's on the leaves though.
And here is a picture of one of the calyxes from the upper bottom/low middle of the plant.

calyx pic.jpg
you seem to have some cloudy in the 2 pics, and some clear, clear/cloudy can be a tight judgement call
a shiny clear trich can look like a cloudy trich if the angle is right
those smaller brown 'dots' don't look like trichomes, but i have learned every plant is different, and plants don't read the trichome charts
@lokie lol I read that like 3 times until I got it. Like growoner said it's sometimes hard to tell with clears. They refract the most light and can appear different colors in different lighting conditions. I dont think that first one is amber I think its just the light. Those little amber specs are a different type of trich/gland and probably just refracting light like the one big one closet to them is. You gauge ripeness with the bigger stalked mushroom headed trichs. Trichomes aren't the only indication of ripeness and you don't have to wait for 50/50 amber like some people suggest. I judge my plants by how they look overall. If they have nice fat calyxes and aren't producing many new ones I throw in the dark and chop. Even if at harvest I dont have many amber trichs, the plant will continue to metabolize even when cut and I usually notice a considerable amount of amber by the time its ready to smoke. I don't force a strain that has an uplifting high to make me go to sleep by waiting extra time. I choose a strain with my desired result and when it "looks' ready to me I can trust that the trichs contain the stone as specified in the breeder description. If you wanted sour apples you wouldn't pick a red apple early, you'd go pick a ripe granny smith.
Thanks for the help. Yeah I just laughed at myself after re-reading where I said that picture was from. Anyways, I know the plant isn't ready, I just want to know exactly what I'm looking for when the time comes. Judging by the comments on here, I'm assuming I will have to take many things into consideration when deciding when to harvest -pistil color, trichome color, calyx appearance, and overall appearance of the buds. This really has been a learning experience. Glad I spent the time and $ to check into it.
How do you like your buzz? If you like to get around and do things, cuz the buds when all of the clouds are cloudy with some clear and barely any amber. If you wanna relax more, let the majority darken up