Active Member
So I got done reading a thread about checking trichomes, and had to go out & get a microscope that would take pictures. I would like some input from experienced growers as to the percentage of cloudy/clear/amber. I know there's no amber on mine yet, but what about clear/cloudy? Also, what are the ones that have like a little ball, then a spike? Is that an undeveloped trichome, or something else altogether? Then, last question, what the hell could possibly be pink? I saw at least one spot on all 3 leaves I clipped off. I looked with bare eyes, and its impossible to see, I used a quick shot of duster in case it was a foreign object but it stayed there. I'm confused as to what this could be... noone ever mentioned pink trichomes in the sticky thread!!??, lol.
Just to clarify, I KNOW I'm not ready to harvest yet, just curious as to how they look so far?

Just to clarify, I KNOW I'm not ready to harvest yet, just curious as to how they look so far?