Need help to identify some bugs !!!


Active Member
I would never fog my plants.
Root aphids like dwc just as much.
I think I might be winning (:
Most of my plants are resuming crystal/calyx production.
I know nothing about auto flowers.
I'd say if you use very consistent conditions light/temps your root aphids may not mass produce for fear of the coming winter. Just a guess.
Root aphids are worse the spider mites. My biggest reason is everyone has had and is already looking for spider mites. They are pretty easy to spot.
Root aphids start out looking like an innocent little soil bug. Then they blow the fuck up. Most people first notice the flies. They look identical to a gnat.
By that point they are growing wings because they have reached critical mass in the pot they are in and want to spread. They fly out and leave egg sacks on top of plant.
The babies are smaller and more translucent then spider mites. Crawling all over the whole plant. The flea like fuckers dont look the same as the ones clinging to the roots.
I have been obsessed for two weeks.
I think I have googled root aphid in every possible way by now.


Active Member
4 days since i put neem oil on the plants and all over the tent..
not even one mother fucker was found until now..
I hope that the problem is gone. I am very happy because my plants are doing great.
