I wouldn't use cinder blocks. Rebar reinforced poured wall is the way to go its more durable.ohhh this is fun been awhile since i got one of these
first thing .......u are going to hate it but it is the truth .......u need at least 6 feet of soil over the roof ( 6 feet of dirt is the minimal requirement to hide the smell ) it is why bodies are buried 6 feet or deeper animals can smell it and could dig it up
the next with out renting a back hoe to dig this u are looking at some real work ........and by yourself months (it would be smarter to rent the gear get the hole done and then start the walls)
as for the walls and all the floor concrete will work ( rem to seal it ) but the walls u would be better off using cinder block ( in the concrete floor use rebar sticking up ) u stack the cinder block with the rebar in the center then pour concrete tho the holes on the cinder block filling it in incasing the rebar making it one solid wall
then your walls are going to need to be sealed from the inside
My opinion, I'd get a shed about twice the size of your grow make a "tent" inside for the actual grow for one to "insulate" the heat and two make it where you can actually store your yard stuff, kinda make it look like its functional from the front
If I saw a neighbor digging something like that and it wasn't an actual home improvement I'd be super suspicious.. that's just me tho.
Good luck!
Keep us posted
I guess I didn't catch the greenhouse over top part, that's freaking brilliant tho!
As for your under-bunker, presuming your water table is nowhere to be found you'll be fine with concert slab and rebar for floors and ceiling. I'd go with the celuar block reinforced with rebar "L'd" an tied in the floor rebar and long enough to lock in the ceiling web, literally enough for every cell. I'd even plant two 8"+ PVC pipes opposite corners in my ceiling of my "bunker" one for fresh air in and power/water and the other for an air scrubber or such for smell. All that could easily be hidden in your green house above.
Now, far as construction.
Mixing that much concrete by hand or even in a rented electric drum mixer fast enough to pour a quality slab is nearly impossible and will laterally beat you down physically and mentally, even if you had a buddy you could trust helping
Consider calling a cement truck when time comes for floor slab, filling the cells and ceiling. People get nosey and start asking questions tell them its a fallout/doomsday shelter, shits pretty common now a days.
Laying block is super easy and could possibly be done in a weekend given you could handle it physically and had proper scaffolding built.
Building the green house is pretty straight forward.
You'll want to pull power out there on its own breaker and depending on what your requirements are possibly even separate panel. That is something you'll want an electrician for. Super dangerous geting into power like that.
That being said.
I am a licenced contractor in the united states, have been for going on 7 years.
Buy me a plane ticket, cover the hotel cost and material cost, pay me by the hour and I'll have you ready to "move in" in three weeks.
Pay me cash and we'll never have to know each others names.
Love the crazy idea OP! I am going to keep an eye on this thread and watch your progress. Please post pics!
Personally, I think the shed idea is a great one. You also might consider a wood privacy fence to shield your yard activities from the neighbors. Consider leaving the top of the bunker plain concrete and make it look like a shed floor. Obviously this adventure is gonna cost you $$$$$$. So, take that extra step.
Love it man. Subbed.
Love the way you're thinking. The only worry is nosy neighbours or buildings control popping round if things start looking a bit to construction-y. Maybe say you're building a swimming pool lol.
Having power already available is amazing.
Me personally, I'd go for the bigger plan. You'll appreciate it in the long run, yeah cost a lil more and takes a little more time. Well worth it..
All I'm working with is a garden tub in a master bathroom 7'L x 4'w x 8' t.. on the last leg of a super lemon haze now.. about 4-6 days I think.. litteraly watching the glands change over from clear to milky
You could use up a large part of the discard soil for planters around the house as well.
Breaking the slabs down into a manageable size is a good plan to minimize work load, but don't skimp on your "footer" slab with the wall rebar in it your wall are gonna be supporting a lot of weight that rebar alone won't distribute right and eventually, break down.
jacks, you know we're all coming over to see this thing (and smoke some bud), don't you?
Just be freakin careful man, neighbors know more than you think. They many not ask you anything directly, but gossip spreads at the speed of light sometimes. Just throwin' that out there, you know them better than we do.
yer going to stick with the bigger room
super lemon haze is a great strain I rember growing that a few years back when it first cam out, but the flowering times was all over the place I had one plant that was done in 8 weeks from 12/12 and another took 12 weeks out the same pack, I took cutting and settled on a 9 weeker, large yield and a strong but mellow smoke, only problem I found with the strain over time it when Hermie,
took cutting from cuttings and about the 4-5 lot it would turn, it happened on two packs of seeds
how thick would you make the footer slab to be on the safe side ?
At least 16" wide and 1' deep if your soil is "loose or wet" you'll be safer in the long run with thicker
My lemon haze: germed two, both showed super vigorous early veg. I topped one twice and lst'd it, it loved it and actually finished a couple days after the LH that I didn't do anything to. That had about a 10" tall 3" across main cola.. that was under A.H. 300w cob and 4 - 150w full-spec CFL's.. can't wait to go full oblast super excited to smoke.. waiting on it to dry now. Gonna try an Ak48 when I get my room perfected