Need Help on Grow Room Design Please +rep


Active Member
Alright sweet. Last night I put my germinated Chrystal seed into a Dixie cup. gonna transplant when it's got more leaves. It hasn't even come through the dirt yet. I'll take a pic tonight and show you. It's just gonna be growin under cfls nothin to big


Active Member
The plants are going to get BIG! I'd add more soil to the containers that will take it. How big are the containers? Looking great, real healthy...their gonna get big (outgrow a single 400W?). :)

good job.

and what kpw555 said^ 9 direct from clone or 2 from seed topped once.
i have no idea how many gallons in each pot, but they are 10 inches in diameter if that explains anything lol
and yes i am kinda scared that 400w isnt going to be enough, but i just bought a car so im kinda in debt and not prepared to get a new light, as for out growing, my room is 8 feet high and the plants were a foot and half so i think i should b okay with height wise, but i am thinkin about tying them down to allow more light to access the bottom foliage.
And i just finished germinating my mother plant. its in a dixie cup right now under 3 23w and 1 40w (2700k) on it, so that should hold up pretty nicely considering its just for clones.
I'm just f-ing with you but you'll see what I'm talking about soon. 8 feet is good for heat and room to work, taller is better. The plant growing space is more like (1' for container and 1-3 feet for the plant, any taller is wasted) 4 feet tall. and the SqFt of a single 400w is like 9-12 SqFt. seeing how bushy your plants might get (size and topping), you'll see.... ;) They are going to be nice....:leaf:


Active Member
lol k good had me goin there for a moment.
more good news though. just picked up a second 400w shop light. just gotta figure out how im gonna hang it from my celing considering its just hard plaster


Active Member
shop light? MH or HPS? Now I'm gonna say, "get ready for the heat and humidity." ;) With the second light, and when the plants fill out.... ;) hope you have some good venting lined up. Going to be some nice plants.


build a simple 2x 4 wood frame and through some panda film over it. Its preety cheap stuff and it is waterproof and really durable and pretty reflective. Black one side other side white. It will help you build a controlled environment. Use an inline fan connect it to a carbon filter and vent it whereever. There are some good threads on DIY carbon filters here. That should get yhou started. In that amound of space I'd use 600 watt just because lumens disapate the further they are from the plants and if you are gonna pot them and want them to bush out you need something that letts out more lumens.


Active Member
shop light? MH or HPS? Now I'm gonna say, "get ready for the heat and humidity." ;) With the second light, and when the plants fill out.... ;) hope you have some good venting lined up. Going to be some nice plants.
nope no venting lol, just an open door, yes i know its stupid but as i continue along with my learning curve of marijuana cultivation i will be gettin proper things,right now im just gonna through a de humidifier and possibly a co2 machine.


Active Member
Save the co2 for the very last thing you ever get.

If you do CO2, start looking for a good A/C too.

You'll be fine with the one 400W in the room, I'm not so sure about 2 400w's. A dehumidifiyer puts off heat too. it all adds up bro. You can only go so big in that room until you seal and vent/cool better. You should be fine with the one 400w and moving the heat out the door.

Looking forward to seeeing them frost up. It's gonna happen soon! I want to see pix in 10 days.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
wait wait wait wtf are you doing dont rush into this !!!

think about it two people can do a sick ass grow in what you have but if you rush things money will just be wasted, do some research check some other grows and find out what you want to do before you just go out and start buying shit seriously !!!!

make the weight room your flowering room and the storage room your veg setup!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you want a stealth grow, specially if ure just doin 5 plants I would check out my DIY grow post, I would recomend doin a scrog, the you could do like 8 plants and get much quicker cycles, plus ventin this thing out is pretty easy, you can just use dryer hose and just put it up to a window or grab a carbon filter stick it in and it should be all good.

Best o Luck


Active Member
wait wait wait wtf are you doing dont rush into this !!!

think about it two people can do a sick ass grow in what you have but if you rush things money will just be wasted, do some research check some other grows and find out what you want to do before you just go out and start buying shit seriously !!!!

make the weight room your flowering room and the storage room your veg setup!!
Chill bro! lol its all good i will learn from whatever mistakes i may make. but the weight room is not being used for flowering, it backs on to an express way.! plus i use it for weights.. but i do have a seedling growing in the closet under about 300w or so of cfls for my scrog or sog tryna decide what to do.


Active Member
Hey man, if you want a stealth grow, specially if ure just doin 5 plants I would check out my DIY grow post, I would recomend doin a scrog, the you could do like 8 plants and get much quicker cycles, plus ventin this thing out is pretty easy, you can just use dryer hose and just put it up to a window or grab a carbon filter stick it in and it should be all good.

Best o Luck
thanks for your tips bro. i took a look at your diy. very impressed i must say. kijiji is the shit lol got my car off there the other week lmao. but ya, i cant connect a dryer hose to anywhere but the hall way cuz the storage room has no windows. im gonna see how this grow goes and see if i really do need to get a different door and cut holes for exhaust and intake into it.


Active Member
K guys idk WTF is goin on but I left on Friday and didn't feed them till Sunday or Monday, they looked like they were heat stressed. But I need some more input. Check my profile for the thread. Im on my iPhone and I can't upload a pic at the moment


Active Member
010.jpg007.jpg009.jpg013.jpg006.jpg008.jpg011.jpgwell here is almost the 3rd week of flowering!, 16 days to be exact012.jpg and the one random baby plant is the chrystal i got of nirvana!


Active Member
and yes i know there stretched but ill just tie them, no biggy, but ive had the light like 6 inches away from them or less all the time