Need Help ON First Grow Indoors


Well-Known Member
Ive used nutes during my first grow.. you just have to start low and work your way up .. and ocean forest soil works very well..
Here is a couple pics from my first grow... I used FFOF and GH Flora 3 part nutes.. there is more in my journal..



Well-Known Member
Here is a good thread on the basic ... I also dont agree with using ona over a scrubber.. if I used ona instead of a scrubber my whole neighbor hood would be getting high on the smell.. I tried ona for a little closet before.. it just masked the smell.. and worked OK for a few days to a week.. then started to fade.. Once I got a scrubber.. NO SMELL AT ALL .. not even 5 ft from my exhaust .. and I have 11 plants under 2000 watts.. Lots of the stuff above will help ya out that he posted.. but I would use nutes.. or go organic.. its really hard to burn plants with organic nutes .. or teas.. your yield will suffer a little but the taste and quality will be primo. But if you want the extra yield that chemical nutes can offer.. USE EM .. just be cautious and work your way up.. and u will be fine. If you use GH nutes I have a feed schedule I can share to get ya started. Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Ilove.. + rep to ya for taking the time to write all that for him.. I just disagree with trying nutes and using a scrubber.. but these are just my opinions.. There is tons of useful info in that post he put for ya .. and the thread I put above has lots of good basics!


man i think it real cool for you guys to help me. When I get started ima let u guys know for sure. Ima keep asking questions in this thread no doubt. So wat about the light warrior though what the purpose for this.


Well-Known Member
I think people use light warrior for seedlings.. I have used ffof for seedlings with no problems.. but I have heard about it being too Hot nute wise for Little seedlings.


hey that hindu kush where did u obtain the seeds. man really i like the shit you grew and you already did it. So maybe I can just try to grow the hindu. Would u mind helping me out bro. I will be willing to listen to everything bro. NO JOKE!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The hindu kush is from sensi seeds.. its a really good starter grow.. that strain was the most easy to grow out of the 6 I ran on the first run .. it stayed green.. really compact.. took nutes well.. never stressed on repots.. And it clones really easy. If you were local to socal I could give ya a clone.. but otherwise.. sensiseeds makes it and I am not sure where to order it from.. im pretty sure people on here can chime in on whats a good place to get seeds online. Its has a really earthy smell.. with ahint of pine and is just COVERED in trichomes ... I cant wait to smoke it .. both of mine have a week or 2 left .. so about 8 weeks of flower isnt bad either.


i actually already have sum dam nutes foregot all about them. i have tiger bloom extra strength 2-8-4 and fox farm big bloom concentrate, Also have a PH control kit


all i got to say is that marijuana is a easy plant all it needs is: good light, soil, nutes, good air, and a good grower. i hate how people nock lower wattage lights it will grow good under any light wither it be fluor,hid or hps so it doesnt matter the wattage or watever. I had seven grows on fluors and they all came out just fine. So dnt nock it


Well-Known Member
who knocked other lights? Also yes it will grow under any watts.. but it still needs a certain amount of light to grow to its full potential.


idc about the wattage i kno wat im gettin wat about the nutes in post 3 that i said i had are they sufficient or am i going to need something else to combine or lose any of the 2. Plz clarify.


alotaball< bro foreget about tat other stuff bck to the plants long did it take ur hindu to grow frm veg to flower. and i found the seeds but they only have regular. so does that mean i have to get 10 and pray for a female to come up n how do i tell they r. Females r suppose to have pistols or sumthn right??


Well-Known Member
ya telling sex is not hard.. you will get some females out of 10 seeds..ull prob get 3-6 of em. I vegged em for about 3 weeks.. then flowered for 7 weeks so far.. they are about done now.. but I am giving em a little longer.. they are about a 8 week flowering strain .


alotaball< bro when you do your lights for veg do you do them during the day or at nite man. and what did you do 18-6 for veg?? I think im going to try to do the feminized skunk kush from sensi seeds since they already come as females.


Active Member
If you wanna grow the 'dro you need to grow hyDRO.

Do It! eff soil IMO!

Get yourself a 600w instead of a 400w you will be wayyyyy happier!

grow from seed in coco. I mix mine with hydroton. water by hand the way you will with soil. But you use nutrients in your water every time you water because the coco has no nutrients in it the way soil does.
veg your plants for 1 month then switch to 12/12.

just take a look at these:


first is a sugar black rose seed from the attitude
second is an og kush seed i got from a friend of mine.
both took about 3 months from seed to harvest.

used ionic bloom and boost in coco and watered by hand.
under a 600w.

The SBR gave me about an 1 1/2 z finishing at 20" tall, the og gave me about 1 3/4 z finishing about 24".

I had 4 other plants that crop as well.

KISS-keep it simple stoner


do u got a journal bro cus tats what im really tryn to grow is the dro bro. But did u say you only got 1 ounce from both?? with a 600 watts


Active Member
no. 1 and a half from one and one and 3/4 from the other

im aimin for two z per plant as cheap as possible as fast as possible as consistent as possible.
when i consistently hit that mark i will scale up to determine how many
plants i need.


Active Member
the term DRO is short for hydro the way its grown. so technically if you want to grow "dro" you have to grow hydro. thats not to say that you wont get good bud from soil. dirt bags have some of the best weed right?

sorry i ran a headshop for 5 years :)