Need help making my growbox!


Well-Known Member
during vegetation should I use only 6500k (blue) lighting or is better to mix the lighting a little? also I got 3 6500k cfl, will these be enough for a 1 1/2 sq. foot box(4 ft. tall)? What is the best reflecting material for the walls of your growbox, I heard that white posterboard works pretty good, any suggestions on reflecting materials?


Well-Known Member
u could veg a plant with that with what u have, as for lining ur walls id go with mylar or flat white paint. i use white paint personally altho mylar is more reflective.


Well-Known Member
Yes, just use the blue spectrum for vegging and switch to the red/orange spectrum for flowering. You can find mylar at almost any hardware store. I know Home Depot sells it. I also heard Mogie talking about some wrapping paper that is real cheap and has a mylar surface on the back. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you can get christmas wrap the really shiny stuff and on the back is mylar. for $2 instead of 20


Well-Known Member
the insides of some ballons, some wrapping paper, potatoe chip bags,emergency blankets, windsheild visors, u can also buy it buy the sheet at hobby and party stores.