Need help !!! BASIC indoor growing

Clearly he hasn't he came here to ask, so throw out there what you think is cheap and easy for him to use!

Just trying to get a feel for his skill levels. If he can keep a houseplant alive for a year we have a chance at nursing this thing to harvest. I'll sub along with ya for the ride. Dynagro would be fine, honestly the cheapest is just dry ferts Maxigrow/maxibloom. I'd 2nd your opinion on at least using the ph drops for the water.
There's instructions on all of that tis eazy peazy, your smart, you'll figure it out. And if you got questions PM, me, I promise not to make you feel stupid, we've all been here at one point or another. Some here forget that and talk down to those that ask questions instead of simply sharing knowledge.

We've all been there, seems like everyone gets started before reading about the plant =). TBH I'd prefer posting and answering questions on the forum so others can see/respond even if they seem stupid. Never know when 10 other people might have the same questions but are too scared to post or ask. Perhaps we should move this to the new growers section so it gets a few more eyes.
We've all been there, seems like everyone gets started before reading about the plant =). TBH I'd prefer posting and answering questions on the forum so others can see/respond even if they seem stupid. Never know when 10 other people might have the same questions but are too scared to post or ask. Perhaps we should move this to the new growers section so it gets a few more eyes.
You know how these azz holes can be around here. They run folks off before they can learn sometimes.
You know how these azz holes can be around here. They run folks off before they can learn sometimes.

oh I've already been labeled an altright nazi bigot troll and put on ignore, doesn't bother me in the least bit and I'm still here to grow some herb. I am learning basically all over again so I'll be making stupid mistakes and fully admit I'm just willing to add whatever info I can to help.
Fosho i appreciate it !! I got that merical grow should i just stick with that for now. And watering what do u recommend ? How often?

Watering is best done on as "as needed" basis, not a set routine unless you are going to automate it with drippers. Since you are new, here's what I would do.

1) stick your index finger in the dirt down to about 2" and feel if it is wet/moist/dry
2) wait until it is actually dry
3) water *thoroughly* until you get some runoff, I like to go slowly so I make sure it is penetrating the dirt and not just dumping out the sides/drain holes.
4) Most important! Pickup the newly watered plant, and feel how heavy it is with a full water load. Now you can just lift and check the pot to see if she needs water or not instead of sticking your finger in each time. Might switch back and forth as she gets larger etc.

Which specific miracle grow soil did you get, can we get a shot of the bag? They make a ton of different products. Personally I would just leave it alone so you don't disturb the roots again so soon. In 1-2 weeks once the transplant shock has worn off you can up pot to a bigger container with some better quality soil. Unless the picture you posted is how you got it, in which case yeah I'd return the miracle grow and get your money back if you can. Probably have to pay a bit more and find a hydro store to get any FoxFarms soils or similar.
We've all been there, seems like everyone gets started before reading about the plant =). TBH I'd prefer posting and answering questions on the forum so others can see/respond even if they seem stupid. Never know when 10 other people might have the same questions but are too scared to post or ask. Perhaps we should move this to the new growers section so it gets a few more eyes.
Do it im ok wit that
Just trying to get a feel for his skill levels. If he can keep a houseplant alive for a year we have a chance at nursing this thing to harvest. I'll sub along with ya for the ride. Dynagro would be fine, honestly the cheapest is just dry ferts Maxigrow/maxibloom. I'd 2nd your opinion on at least using the ph drops for the water.
12 hours of light good enough?
Do it im ok wit that

i lack the powers unfortunately, but I'm tagged along following you so I'll see it either way. Since you just transplanted into the miracle grow and disturbed the roots I would want to leave her alone for a week or 2 at least. That MG has time release ferts, so easy on the water and definitely don't add any more ferts.

12 hours of light good enough?

At this point in time, you want to be on a 'veg' cycle of 18 hours light, 6 hours dark, 20/4, or even 24 hours straight light. You will need to start preparing an area to give 100% total darkness for flowering.
i lack the powers unfortunately, but I'm tagged along following you so I'll see it either way. Since you just transplanted into the miracle grow and disturbed the roots I would want to leave her alone for a week or 2 at least. That MG has time release ferts, so easy on the water and definitely don't add any more ferts.

At this point in time, you want to be on a 'veg' cycle of 18 hours light, 6 hours dark, 20/4, or even 24 hours straight light. You will need to start preparing an area to give 100% total darkness for flowering.
No Miracle Grow, toss that shit and get a bag of Happy Frog, tis the best for beginners.
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Where can i get this ?