Need help asap bad chemical burn

d Weezy

Thank you guys again, Hell I wish I could thank you both in person, if you know what i mean ;-) But ppm tester will be here tomorrow and bought thermometers today. One last question, I have KLN Rooting Concentrate claims to help with transplant shock, but I'm leery of what those boxes says. Should I use it at 1/4 or 1/2 strength? but i gave you guys good reputation for helping so much. I dont want you to think I didnt do research but you just hear so many different things, that you have to pick one and go with it. The brown spots seem to have stopped today and even had a couple of bud leaves point back up this morn. Not getting hopes up but it is a sign that is better than any I have seen! Just let me know on the KLN when you get a chance. Oh yeah and one more, the KLN says its great for root grow, got a couple of buddies that want to know if they can put it on their junk, for their wives sake, LMAO ;-) But seriously if you think the KLN Root concentrate of the Dutch Master Gold Root Zone would help with the shock please let me know. I have both. If Karma is true, then Cmonson you should have great things coming your way, and thanks to Zem too. But CM held my hand and walked me through. Im new to Roll it up but I am going to see if I can keep up with you. Cheers


its cool man i try to help any one with there green thumb cause this site and sites like this is how i learned im just still a little leery about putting up my own grows and pictures online so i just kinda talk to others try to help them out in reference to what im doing and learned my self. so i never used the KLN so of course i google it and found this: K-L-N Concentrate is a vitamin-hormone solution containing Vitamin B-1 and two rooting hormones. so from just reading that i know exactly how it works its basically severs the same purpose as superthrive its going to help clones with shock and the stress from being cut and promote root growth so as for now i wouldn't recommend using it at this point but its up to you if you want to try it but keep this in mind the plant is a weed its going to try its best to survive and thrive no matter what you do to it so if you mess up just remember to give it the basics of what it needs and time and it should get back on track (Good Light, Good air, Good food and Room to grow)

d Weezy

Thanks again. Yeah I think I have learned you can care for them too much. lol, The only reason I changed that damn reservoir in the first place was that when I started this (my first indoor grow), I waited too long to change the reservoir for the first time and got root rot in one. That is why i now have tons of air stones and all that, but it has been around 4-5 since it went downhill, and the fan leaves are still down and now curling in. Should I trim those leaves or is that a bad idea?