Need help asap bad chemical burn

d Weezy

Ok, I know I'm a fucking idiot:-(. I started my first indoor grow in an aerogarden until then roots got too big so I made a make shift tank with reg tupperware. The first time I mixed my solution for a 3-4 gallon tank to error on the "safe" side. Went to change my solution for the first time in the bigger tank. Long story short, tank was actually 4 gallon but I assumed like the other empty tank I had it was 6 gallon.Solution was mixed for 6 gallon. Plant was only in the solution that was too strong for almost 24 hours. Changed to straight water with PH of 5.5 and only added Superthrive. Can I save this plant and if so what else should I do?

Hope the pics help, in a little bit of a panic, know how to fix outdoors, but that and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee at McD


Well-Known Member
are you sure it's a burn? from the looks on the plant it looks like drying out. check the root system, maybe airstone is dead or water level too low. anyway, the plant can be saved but obviously the yield will be lower than if it were healthy

d Weezy

Well what leads me to think that, is that it has about 8 air stones in it, the water level has been kept within an inch of the top of the container. If it was in soil I would know it needs water. But everything was fine until my brilliant idea to change the reservoir and that is when I miss calculated the size of the container. I should have measured the one it was actually in and not the one that looks very similar to it. And the day before I did that it was pointing to the sky, the day after, it was where Im at now. The only reason I think it is chemical burn is that is the only thing that changed between great and bad. 24 hours later and not a wink of sleep I might add and 15 hours of researching trying to figure out how to bring it back and Im still at it. The only variable from great to piss poor is when I changed the reservoir. Thats what led to my conclusion


Active Member
well his new fluid didnt have a airstone in it first but yeah looks like no water to plant.

d Weezy

not sure what you mean by "didnt have a air stone in it first", it has what I thought was probably overkill on airstones. But how would the there be no water getting to the plant when its only in water? Just a little confused, i know my solution was too strong and I used Protekt for the first time since everything I bought had it mentioned on the box. But could the Protekt somehow kept water from getting to the plant? I am just a little bit confused, I normally grow in soil outdoors, so any help is greatly appreciated

d Weezy

It is showing signs of browning around one of the tops/buds, if you know what I need to do to try and save this thing please instruct me and I will do. As this is the only girl that out of four seeds in this grow. I will try anything at this point, I need an indoor vet to swoop in and save my ass on this one cause I have def already learned my lesson.


OK a few things im noticing the first is that it doesn't look like nute burn looks more like either heat stress or there in shock from all the moving/transplanting your doing you need to give a little more info like what nutes your using the water temp your running and the room temps if you change the hydro water straight from tap the temp will shock them alone are you trying to fix the ph soon as you add the nutes? that will cause a ph imbalance and you can be getting bad results from that also you should worry much less about the measuring thr gallons to nutes ratio and get a ppm meter and keep the nutes in check that way and lastly NNNNEEEVVVVEEERRR USE SUPERTHRIVE ON FLOWERING PLANTS!! superthrive is for clones seedlings and vegging it will fuck up your flowering cycle and harvest time if you use it in flowering.

oh and no such thing as a air stone over kill the more air the better you can never have to much air only to little

d Weezy

thank you so fucking much bro. Thank you. OK, to start, I was using quickgrow nutrients and I switch to Peters Bloom Booster over the past two weeks. I know I am a little late but I have a TDS meter on its way, water temps could be a problem bc at first the it was getting to warm and thats another reason I switched to a bigger reservoir. I let the water I use to water them sit out a day and them ph it. But when I change the reservoir I am doing it by feel which is stupid and I am going to rectify that. I make sure the room is 50-60 humidity and always 72 degrees. And yes I am trying to fix the PH as soon as I add the nutes, thought it would help the plant get more of the nutes by what I was reading. And that damn Superthrive says to use all the way up until flowering, but a piece of paper will lay still and let you write anything on it. I see now I am fucking up in a lot of ways. Please advise, will follow you advise to the T and piss on what the boxes say. Thank you again so much. Should I change the res yet again, and gt that damn Superthrive out of it? Obviously, I was praying for the magical revival the box was claiming.


thank you so fucking much bro. Thank you. OK, to start, I was using quickgrow nutrients and I switch to Peters Bloom Booster over the past two weeks. I know I am a little late but I have a TDS meter on its way, water temps could be a problem bc at first the it was getting to warm and thats another reason I switched to a bigger reservoir. I let the water I use to water them sit out a day and them ph it. But when I change the reservoir I am doing it by feel which is stupid and I am going to rectify that. I make sure the room is 50-60 humidity and always 72 degrees. And yes I am trying to fix the PH as soon as I add the nutes, thought it would help the plant get more of the nutes by what I was reading. And that damn Superthrive says to use all the way up until flowering, but a piece of paper will lay still and let you write anything on it. I see now I am fucking up in a lot of ways. Please advise, will follow you advise to the T and piss on what the boxes say. Thank you again so much. Should I change the res yet again, and gt that damn Superthrive out of it? Obviously, I was praying for the magical revival the box was claiming.
yea no problem in hydro we all fuck u p at first you have no choice but to learn the right way after a while but yea i would say change out the res only to get out the superthrive but until you have a TDS meter its going to be kinda rough and to tell you the truth i never heard of the nutes your using i tried to Google it but didn't find it i can be wrong but i would suggest getting nutes more suited for hydro form a more well known brand ie advanced nutrients,fox farm, dyna-gro and superthrive is good dont get me wrong but just not for flower mj of course that cant say things like that on the box lol but imo what i would do is change the res with the ppm around 1000 or 100 x10 with some better nutes keep the ph around 5.8 - .6 and in a day or two if that was the problem they should pick up your temps sound in check so they should bounce back but im not 100% sure that thats why your girls are drooping so much when did this start/ and is there any browning or spots any things els other then what we see in the picture?

d Weezy

I'm on a bass-ackward schedule. Nights and days mixed up, typical musician schedule :-) But I will say the day before yesterday, I changed the res before I went to bed and woke up to it like that. I have not slept since trying to figure out WTF I can do to fix this. But I will have the TDS meter in a day or so. I live where you can only order things that cool people need, lol, I cant go to a store and buy hardly any supplies without driving 5 hours. But I picked the fasted shipping option they offered. Thank god for ebay, The nutes I use are at It an A&B style, the veg is 10-5-10 and the bud is 5-11-26, to be honest I never had anything but goodness out of them but maybe its when I switched to the Peter's Bloom Boosters. I have grown outdoors many many times and Peters always worked good but oh well, I shall leave it for outdoor. The Quick Grow Nutes are designed for hydro/aero its just like the "walmart" brand of some really expensive ones.I ran across them on ebay after spending a good chunk of change on lights and air pumps, as you well know Im sure.
But yes just noticed moments ago that the browning that was just on the fan leaves has got on some the the bud leaves which sux but that has happened since I took the pics. Again thank you and may god bless you with some nasty ass shit for being so helpful ;-)


Well-Known Member
this is no burn. as you were transplanting you must have taken long time before you moved the plant and it dried out, or could be severe transplant shock. if burned it will take much longer to deteriorate that much. throw the superthrive flush and go with 1/4 strength imo and avoid messing with flowering plants.

d Weezy

I promise the plant didnt dry out in the process of changing reservoir. Im thinking now that it had to be the temp of the water that I moved to. I moved too quickly, so are you saying use the superthrive or get rid of it. BC I was told before not to use ST on a flowering plant?

d Weezy

And I agree, should have left it the hell alone, it was on its way to being beautiful before the genius here jumped in to "HELP"


this is no burn. as you were transplanting you must have taken long time before you moved the plant and it dried out, or could be severe transplant shock. if burned it will take much longer to deteriorate that much. throw the superthrive flush and go with 1/4 strength imo and avoid messing with flowering plants.
naw a plant that size would take a while to dry out he didnt do that...It seems like the transplant. have you ever used superthrive in flowering to say to use it ? i doubt it.. superthrive would be a last resort if it was dead like the whole plant was down with no hope , not in this case its just shocked/stressed from the transplant and the ph being unbalanced if you grow hydro and your nutes aren't already sold ph balanced then you no you shouldnt try to adjust your res until at least 24hrs and he didn't do that and maybe the temps plus him not having a tds meter all acted to get the results he has now thats why i said basically balance everything take out the superthive and give her a few days everything should pick back up and get some micro nutes also you didnt say that you where using any that can be the browning in the plant you see

d Weezy

That damn Peters that I started using two week ago has micro nutes in it. Thank U. In your opinion Cmonson, what should my res temps be and I will keep them there?

d Weezy

Thank you both greatly for talking me through this one. You have helped more than you know. I would bet anything I dont fuck up like that again. I will fuck up, just not like that, lol And BTW: it was that damn Protekt that i read somewhere that i needed to use that got me started PH'ing when adding solution. Cause that stuff will set your PH at 8 with just a tad of it. But when you get a chance hit me up with a res temp to keep at. I knew not to go high bc I was worried about Pythium, thanks again for the input


Well-Known Member
naw a plant that size would take a while to dry out he didnt do that...It seems like the transplant. have you ever used superthrive in flowering to say to use it ? i doubt it.. superthrive would be a last resort if it was dead like the whole plant was down with no hope , not in this case its just shocked/stressed from the transplant and the ph being unbalanced if you grow hydro and your nutes aren't already sold ph balanced then you no you shouldnt try to adjust your res until at least 24hrs and he didn't do that and maybe the temps plus him not having a tds meter all acted to get the results he has now thats why i said basically balance everything take out the superthive and give her a few days everything should pick back up and get some micro nutes also you didnt say that you where using any that can be the browning in the plant you see
reading my post i see that i didnt say it right, i meant by "throw the superthrive" to dump it flush res ang go with 1/4 strength nutes lol