Need Help, 7 weeks into flowering, with Pics.


Active Member
I using foxfarm soil, with soil ph at 6.5-6.8, been watering with water and molasses, and GH Flora micro and Floraboom at 950 ppm, temps in the day are 72-75 and 60-62 at night, all looked good until a few days ago, so I flushed and all of a sudden all my fans leaves are dying, and leaves are turning purple at the top, and it doesn't seem that the plant is absorbing any water, can anyone help?



Well-Known Member
Your plant looks right on time. It is using the last of the nutrient supply which is normal for the last couple weeks of flower. When you flushed the soil of nutrients the plant naturally began to use what was left in the leaves. Your plant looks good and nearly ready for harvest. Kepp doing what you are doing and just wait it out, say about a week to 10 days then harvest. You can remove those discolored fans. Good luck