Need an official answer on this ..Tap Water - How long does it have to sit b4 usable


Well-Known Member
Just used recharge yesterday really not trying to kill my microbes on this auto
Also when can I feed this auto EWC and Dr Earth 444 or should I not


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do you let it sit before you drink it? speculative question regarding the water ,I personally have no issues using tap water- some say let it sit for 24 hours but really who cares not going to do any harm
Yea that's what I do I usually let it sit got 24 hours atleast but today I ran outta stored water on my other plants .. and u sure cuz I heard it kills ur microbes in the soil...I got some that's bee sitting for an hour now ..does anybody use bottled water?
Don't worry about letting your water sit until you check the ec and standard pH of the water before you add any nutes to it and try to follow your nutrient lines recommended ec for all the different stages, never let water sit and had no issues ever with it, best of luck
I have a feeling that the damage done to microbe colonies by trace amounts of chlorine/chloramine isn't nearly as catastrophic as some think. Unless you're using pool water, it's probably not a huge issue. If you're that worried about it, there are things that can be added to your water to neutralize chlorine pretty much instantly. I got something called Seachem Prime to use for that purpose, since I'm on municipal water and it's noticeably chlorinated. I don't bother using the stuff anymore, but water definitely doesn't smell like chlorine after adding it.

The only time I leave it to sit is after I add silica. 10-15 mins later I’ll come back and add my other nutes to the water and give it to the plants. Max 20 mins sitting out before given to the plants. That’s only when adding nutes by the way. In between they’ll get plain water straight out the tap. It’s 7.6 ph and 144 ppm so I don’t worry about adjusting as I grow in soil.
Different strokes for different folks tho.

Edit: I should add tha to keep your microbes alive.. toss some mulch over your soil surface to keep it moist longer.
I honestly don't think there is any difference in the overall chlorine levels if you use it straight from the tap vs aerating it for 2, 3 hell even 4+ days. *And here's another thing to consider: those air stones get pretty funky over time being used in tap water, and IMO it's just another unneeded variable that could actually be worse for your overall water quality.
Don't worry about letting your water sit until you check the ec and standard pH of the water before you add any nutes to it and try to follow your nutrient lines recommended ec for all the different stages, never let water sit and had no issues ever with it, best of luck
Ok I will start checking pH Tuesday it's in the mail on way now.. but I got a pretty cheap one that had good reviews off Amazon it was like 12$ ..I hear ppl have a lotta problems with pH meters tho so didn't wanna spend the 80 on one
The only time I leave it to sit is after I add silica. 10-15 mins later I’ll come back and add my other nutes to the water and give it to the plants. Max 20 mins sitting out before given to the plants. That’s only when adding nutes by the way. In between they’ll get plain water straight out the tap. It’s 7.6 ph and 144 ppm so I don’t worry about adjusting as I grow in soil.
Different strokes for different folks tho.

Edit: I should add tha to keep your microbes alive.. toss some mulch over your soil surface to keep it moist longer.
Ok cool thanks bro
Ok I will start checking pH Tuesday it's in the mail on way now.. but I got a pretty cheap one that had good reviews off Amazon it was like 12$ ..I hear ppl have a lotta problems with pH meters tho so didn't wanna spend the 80 on one
Apera PH20, I had one for like 2 yrs but dropped it a bunch of times & eventually failed. If you calibrate it at least 1x/month and get some KCL solution to store it, IMO it's totally worth the $50 twice in my case.
Apera PH20, I had one for like 2 yrs but dropped it a bunch of times & eventually failed. If you calibrate it at least 1x/month and get some KCL solution to store it, IMO it's totally worth the $50 twice in my case.
Will I need that KCL stuff for this cheap one too?
Will I need that KCL stuff for this cheap one too?
If I remember correctly, the storage solution costs more than the $12 pH meters. I had a few of them, and also had one of the cheap Apera meters. I found them all to nearly equally shitty and gave up on meters entirely. I just use the test solution nowadays.
do you let it sit before you drink it? speculative question regarding the water ,I personally have no issues using tap water- some say let it sit for 24 hours but really who cares not going to do any harm
This I agree with, I’ve seen some YouTube videos that label Chlorine as a micro nutrient.. seedlings tho.., I still let any cup of water I throw seedlings into to germinate aerate for atleast a day. With one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide.
This I agree with, I’ve seen some YouTube videos that label Chlorine as a micro nutrient.. seedlings tho.., I still let any cup of water I throw seedlings into to germinate aerate for atleast a day. With one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide.
A few drops of peroxide??? Wouldn't that kill soil life? I don't use living soil but maybe I'm not understanding this correctly