Need ADVISE ( is it going to die)?


Active Member
I basicly bent my plant because it was getting too tall. but when i did it i heard some cracking noise like the step had snaped, however the outside was completely fine, cept for it looked a bit darker. Anyways i ducked taped it up a little for some support and used string attached to the roof to keep it up.

Am i ok?

will it grow to a point where the string will not be needed?

how long will that take:S

( extra info, the plants about month and half old and 66cms tall. in vegg state still) and should be for another month


Well-Known Member
u shood b fine. wat u did was supercropped it. give it a few days and u will c the spot that "snap" knot up.


Active Member
You've probley stunted it, You did supercrop it but... I have had a time where my stem was to thin and it snapped and was just attached and it died. So depends on how badly you snapped it.


Well-Known Member
yeap you just supercropped it ( look it up =D) itall be fine in a week or 2 itall knot up and the bottom leaves will start comming up more and itall be more bushy


Active Member
shouldnt be a problem, as long as you didnt rupture any capilarries stunting should be minimul. (in the future plan ahead, bend them slowly just a bit at a time)

the duct tape is going to be an issue, if its tight its going to act like a collar and choke it off restricting growth.

and removing it is going to cuase a whole differant issue.


Well-Known Member
it should be fine, just alittle stunted from the ordeal. As long as you have not damaged too much.
Water is pulled up through the xylem tissue of the plant. Which is like the BArk of the trunk .
It should make it !
You should search LST. Low stress training for your next one ;) .


Active Member
I bent a few braches REALLY bad some almsot came off the plant, and the buds i thot would die, i duct taped the buds back on and no problems!


Well-Known Member
i had buds fall off of the whole plant and then i used superglue and glued them back till they finished
LOL! are you serious!? Did that even work? Kinda sounds like if someone chopped off a finger and you tried to glue it back on

And yeah as everyone said. You super cropped it. If you keep it bend at a 90 degree angle or whatever, itll knot up there and you'll probably get more branches coming from that area and itll get mad bushy


Well-Known Member
LOL! are you serious!? Did that even work? Kinda sounds like if someone chopped off a finger and you tried to glue it back on

And yeah as everyone said. You super cropped it. If you keep it bend at a 90 degree angle or whatever, itll knot up there and you'll probably get more branches coming from that area and itll get mad bushy
No, no im not serious