Need advice on growing with HPS only


Well-Known Member

I went from cfls to metal halide 400 watt

Right away I noticed an increase in growth.

Once the plants were mature I decided it was time to flower

So I switched ballast and went to the 400 watt HPS and a light cycle of 12/12.

I can not tell you how impressed I am with the growth rate these plants now exzibit.

I have read that you can use HPS for an entire grow, and after seeing the growth rate I am just about convinced.

I am wondering that after I start my third grow if I should just use HPS all the way.

please tell me what you think



I went from cfls to metal halide 400 watt

Right away I noticed an increase in growth.

Once the plants were mature I decided it was time to flower

So I switched ballast and went to the 400 watt HPS and a light cycle of 12/12.

I can not tell you how impressed I am with the growth rate these plants now exzibit.

I have read that you can use HPS for an entire grow, and after seeing the growth rate I am just about convinced.

I am wondering that after I start my third grow if I should just use HPS all the way.

please tell me what you think

hey there roller i use hps the entire cycle no problems but it is better to use mh in vege and hps in flower because they have different light spectrems and the plant needs certain spectrums at different times in its cycle. :peace:


Active Member
^^^^ what he said. I use a HPS + CFLS for my entire grow, but if i had a MH id use it during veg


Well-Known Member
I used a 400w HPS +CFL's for my veg and it worked great. I am flowering with it right now. If i was able to use a mh for veg i would do it.