Need a little help for my babies


Active Member
I have two babies under HPS. One of them the leaves on the plant are starting to fold upwards, it makes them look like little green taco shells. Can someone tell me what this means? At first i thought it might be MG deficiency, I added some but doesn't seem to be helping. Thanks... B


Well-Known Member
its getting to hot in there hows ur ventilation ? the heat is causing the leaves to fold upwards


Active Member
I was starting to think that. I think my HPS has been just too close to them. How high should I put it?


Active Member
Sorry about the crappy pic. You would think a freaking 500 dollar phone would do better. But no, Thanks Sprint


Active Member
So okay, i placed my light based on someone telling me that if it was too hot for my hand then it was too hot for the plant. So I put it about 6in above. Now that we have figured out that is obviously WAY too close how far away should my HPS be?


Well-Known Member
no man now that i see thje pics it's doesnt seem like ur description said that the leaves were folding upwards. looks like some deffeiency


Well-Known Member
They don't seem to have any deficiency, the leaves folding upward is usually indicative or either heat stress or a Magnesium deficiency (the leaves are said to be 'praying' for magnesium), the leaves folding up is probably from extra heat from the light being too close.

A 250w light needs to be about 8" away
A 400w light needs to be about 12" away
A 600w light needs to be about 18" away
A 1000w light needs to be about 24" away

Those are just guidelines, if it doesn't burn your plant at that distance move it a little closer, the closer the better and the more bud you'll get.


Well-Known Member
one thing at a time. you are not in dire need of a fast action, therefore, take your time and use the process of elimination to determine your problem. it will be a great learning experience. but based on the pics it looks heat related, the leaves do that in an attempt to save water. if moving your light away doesnt solve the problem then it waasnt heat related.