TY mk, I got sick of looking at that generic one, so I figured it was time for a change...Hell no that's why were all safe....unless we were to say start a seedbank or something along those lines..lol
BTW I dig the new avatar!sexy. I can't wait to see something similar.
Are u really gonna open a bonafide seed bank, legally, or just a sneaky one? Seems like with a legal set up you could just have a subsidiary or branch or rep or whatever the fuck u wanna call it...For example, if an order comes in for where mk lives, mk would ship it. If an order for my state came in, I would ship it, etc. That would solve the problem of shipping to customers over state lines and also enable you to work only in legal states. Just a thought.lol I'm only shipping to legal states lol
Okay mk, I'll explain it very slowly using one and two syllable words LOLhuh???