NattyHead357's Pineapple Express SOG. Pics, Vids. Comments are allowed.


Well-Known Member
For example, the Querkle i'm growing is a hybrid, and it has two different phenotypes, one stays short and stocky like an indica, and the other has a lankier frame, and slenderer leaves, more like a sativa. Which lucky me, I think I have the Sativa pheno.


Active Member
yep, that's my skunk! I'll get a close up of her (again, positive thinking) on tues when I do pics. I have to wait until my man is at work, cuz he doesnt want me posting pics on here...I told him the cops got better things to worry about than his eight legal plants. But either way, easier just not to argue and get my way anyway LOL


Well-Known Member
That's pretty funny, my girl is kinda the same way. I had some plants growing, and she made me rip them up because i didn't have my medical recc. yet. And she was paranoid about the cops.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty funny, my girl is kinda the same way. I had some plants growing, and she made me rip them up because i didn't have my medical recc. yet. And she was paranoid about the cops.
For good reason, I wouldn't grow without at least one card holder in the home, too risky IMO


Well-Known Member
Aww don't lie Natty, you may live with a girl grower, but every guy wants some strange now and then...LOL J/K
HA HA HA My kinda girl D2G!!! LOL

I know I'm so siked about grwoing a sativa! lol not many sativas arond my part of the US
I hear you on this one man I can't get a sativa around here for shit. Everything "FEELS" like indica over here. :evil:

yep, that's my skunk! I'll get a close up of her (again, positive thinking) on tues when I do pics. I have to wait until my man is at work, cuz he doesnt want me posting pics on here...I told him the cops got better things to worry about than his eight legal plants. But either way, easier just not to argue and get my way anyway LOL
Learning a lot about you tonight D2G. Sneaky sneaky girl. :mrgreen:

ehh. I really could care less. lol I have 2 plants...

i think the cops have better stuff to do
This is exactly what I told my girl when she told me she was worried about me being on here. It's pretty sound logic I'd say. Even if the cops wanted to waste a shit load of resources to track me down what's gonna happen? I'll get a $500 fine and some probation? Who cares??

None of us on this side have cards and were growing. I'm telling you, unless you got a huge grow op so you can be a weed kingpin going on they've got better things to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Hell no that's why were all safe....unless we were to say start a seedbank or something along those

BTW I dig the new avatar! :-D sexy. I can't wait to see something similar.


Well-Known Member
ahh so much for hands across america huh? hands across a handful of states?? Doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it?
ha ha


Well-Known Member
I know man I wish there was a way to actually do it. I just don't have the mind to go about it that way. Hence the hidden rubbermaid grow, lol
Do you think there's any way at all it's possible?