Nasty goo in the reservoir...what is it!?


Hi folks,

I am about a month into my first ever grow and everything was going fine until I noticed this nasty goo in my reservoir. When I first noticed it, it was almost like the nutes I was using had coagulated. The plants were fine so I left it alone and thought nothing of it until I checked it later and it literally looked like afterbirth with some nasty white goo. I had to change the reservoir and then rinse off the pellets but it looks like the nutes are coagulating again. I have attached pics so that someone can help me figure out what it is. Although the plants are fine when I pulled some of it off the pots it looked like some of the roots came off with it. I am using Pure Blend Pro and about a cup of vinegar everyday to lower the PH


the vinegar and something in your water are the problem. i had that all the time using vinegar and I went back to PH down from gen. hydro.
I also got it with the azamax I was using as well it stuck right to my air stones and looked like snot and tasted like paste.


Active Member
I've had that coagulating on my airstones when I didn't bother to use h202 for a week or two. I too am curious if anyone knows specifically what it is.

But hey, slime is slime, I got rid of it by putting in new airstones and blasting my rez with h202 again.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah it pretty much stuck to the airstone too. I had to throw it out and get a new one. Pardon my ignorance, but what is h2o2 and how do I get some?


well looks nasty, i only do DWC and never had this stuff so yea guess its the vinegar or some thing but either way i would flush out "EVERY THING'' because it looks like it will turn into a fungus or mold if left alone you can use the normal hydrogen peroxide you get from the 99Cent store its not as strong as the one in the hydro store but works just as fine for a flush and root cleaning IMO its what i use after the cleaning buy some ph up and ph down and your ph may be changing so much because of your temps going up and down try to keep them steady and you will see the ph wont change to much day to day but you still have to check it and do a res change every 7 days. hope that helps