Narnia Grow - The Lights, the Weed and the Wardrobe


Active Member
They're doing okay. They don't seem to be any worse. I'll have some new pictures uploaded sometime tonight. Just finished another watering round and did a bit of under canopy trimming. I think I finally placed the smell of MTF. It's almost like a coffee smell mixed with a side of skunk :lol:


Active Member
I am trimming said lady right now and yea, she is spicy....I like your description...yes, she is a skunky girl. This isn't the same as Curly, she was from our own seed....but I can tell she is going to have the same flavor just by the smell. Different from most of the examples out there..the only thing I have tasted close is Alaska TF...seems to be a little more sativa high in the ATF but the taste is close. I guess they would be considering they are from about the same origin :-)


Active Member
seems I am having an issue with my camera...crap! Posting anyway as who knows how long it will take me to figure this one out? Here she is :-)


Esa Havey

Beautiful setup for a small grow area. Are you using those environmentally friendly spiral light bulbs? Interested to find out how those do for you. Please clarify the purpose of the glass of water for the end of the tube in CO2 factory. And will any kind of yeast work? Loved your photo's.


Active Member
Thanks! Yep, we are using spiral CFL's. Currently running 6 - 2700k and 4 - 6500k bulbs plus 3 floro tubes.

The glass of water for the c02 factory is to prevent anything from going into the tube and contaminating the culture and to also allow me to monitor the output of c02. When it stops bubbling or slows down, I know it's time to change it out. If you plan on doing a c02 factory, I highly recommend it. You can use brewers yeast or bakers yeast, just not the nutritional yeast.


I'm using the co2 factory as well. 2 cups of sugar and 1 tablespoon of yeast and it will run for more than 24 hours. I learned it here, I think it's great!


Active Member
I'm using the co2 factory as well. 2 cups of sugar and 1 tablespoon of yeast and it will run for more than 24 hours. I learned it here, I think it's great!
Awesome. We've found that our gallon lasts about 3 days. We keep the bottle on the outside of the space, due to the lack of space on the inside (the girls totally crowd the space!).

Thanks for peepin' out our grow!


Active Member
So, A small update for everyone. There should be another update tomorrow (YAY! 4 weeks!)

On with the show!

Sunday afternoon, Snickerdoodle and I took apart our bedroom to get the girls out of the box so we could install our new inline fan and home-made carbon filter.

Here's a shot of the space above the alcove with me holding the fan in place

Here it is, with the hose and carbon filter attached

I think Snickerdoodle posted some pictures in regards to how our filter was built. I know it looks a little trashy with all that duct tape, but I've seen worse on this forum, so fuck off, haters.

Here's the connection to the back of the box. I have some pictures of how I made the connection point. I had to MacGyver it. Basically I took a package for tub joint tape and forced the hose in the hole. I'll try to edit this post with the pictures tomorrow when it's not insane O'clock

And here we are with the final product. It's not exactly stealth (loud ass fan!) but it takes care of the smell, which takes the paranoia of the landlord smelling it when he's around. And you can't hear the fan outside of the bedroom. It's a good thing we replaced the door handle on our room to one with a lock ;)

That's it for now folks! Stay tuned for our 4-week profile posts!


Edit: Forgot to mention, we moved the lightrack up a few inches. I think we have one more level of pre-drilled holes before we have to drill a few ourselves.


Active Member
Looks like things are moving along well! Had the same problem with the noisy fan, we got a speed control for ours and are able to knock it down to just above med and it still keeps the room well vented....the fan is much quieter at lower speeds.


Well-Known Member
I use a speed controller too. Got it from eBay for $25. Works like a charm, but I still run it full speed during flowering.
It's nice to be able to adjust the speed tho


Well-Known Member
So, A small update for everyone. There should be another update tomorrow (YAY! 4 weeks!)

On with the show!

Sunday afternoon, Snickerdoodle and I took apart our bedroom to get the girls out of the box so we could install our new inline fan and home-made carbon filter.

Here's a shot of the space above the alcove with me holding the fan in place

Here it is, with the hose and carbon filter attached

I think Snickerdoodle posted some pictures in regards to how our filter was built. I know it looks a little trashy with all that duct tape, but I've seen worse on this forum, so fuck off, haters.

Here's the connection to the back of the box. I have some pictures of how I made the connection point. I had to MacGyver it. Basically I took a package for tub joint tape and forced the hose in the hole. I'll try to edit this post with the pictures tomorrow when it's not insane O'clock

And here we are with the final product. It's not exactly stealth (loud ass fan!) but it takes care of the smell, which takes the paranoia of the landlord smelling it when he's around. And you can't hear the fan outside of the bedroom. It's a good thing we replaced the door handle on our room to one with a lock ;)

That's it for now folks! Stay tuned for our 4-week profile posts!


Edit: Forgot to mention, we moved the lightrack up a few inches. I think we have one more level of pre-drilled holes before we have to drill a few ourselves.
Yay, Pictures! Thank you, I was starting to get a little bored here at RIU.
I gives me a warm feeling to know that you're so passionate about the craft... We have much in common... And if you saw some of my duct-tape creations, you'd see something really cheesy. Lol.

Your fan installation looks great. In addition to odor control, that vacuum effect is gonna be plenty good for your stems.


Active Member
We might have to look into a speed controller :lol:

It's not terrible, in fact is only a smidge louder than our air purifier, which we'll no longer be needing for the smell :grin:

Another pic update coming sometime today. Running a bit behind on what I planned to be so it may not be until late tonight, but I'll get new pics soon! I promise!!


Active Member
Poor burned tips... She'll be fine, but I still feel guilty :lol: She's sooooooo sticky! Mmmm and she smells nice too!

....... more coming soon! (I'd say within the hour) Stay tuned... 6 more plants to update on :mrgreen:


Active Member
She's slow on trichome production, but on bud production she's doing fabulous! Some of the biggest of the bunch! Her smell is reminiscent of cat piss and something I haven't yet placed. Maybe pine...



Active Member
Some of the frostiest buds, outside of the afghoo girls, reside on this girl! She's so yummy and sweet smelling! I accidently touched on of her frost and this shit is like tree sap! Made my fingers stick together. Was tasty to suck off! :mrgreen:

V IS FOR VICTORY!!! I love this branch!

Here's another little V shaped branch of bud
