nancy pelosi appreciation thread

Its naive to claim the democratic party and republican party are one and the same. Or even two sides of the same coin. That kind of analogy only makes sense to self absorbed white men.
I didn't say that.

I said that magnifying our differences for political gain is destructive to society as a whole. Tragedy of the commons.

EDIT: I now see what you were referring to. In my best Gilda Earner voice; "nevermind!"
The American people need to get over this left Vs right shit
Its them Vs you, they are all the same, get their strings pulled by the same masters
Don't be fools ALL government is the same, out to control and own everything

This part I can agree with. Citizens United is the worst thing that's ever happened to our democracy and will lead to our destruction if we don't put an end to corporate financial control over our political system.
not only did she kick ass at moving legislation through the 111th, but her ass kicking continues into today.

paul ryan needs less than 21 defections to pass trumpcare through the house tomorrow because queen pelosi has literally every single house dem voting no without any shadow of a doubt.



