nancy pelosi appreciation thread

give him a break, he's a bernout. aka a small angry white kid who just got out of college. which his parents paid for.

Once again your ignorance and hate comes through. I'm just a public school teacher making more of a difference everyday in the future of this country than you and all your lame troll friends. Have fun thinking you make a difference by your mean and hateful words. Us teachers are so though that no matter what you say I have heard it before, and it just makes me laugh. Try doing something with your life instead of pretending to win on the internet.

You are dismissed!
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OK Einstein. You tell us how and why the Electoral College became a part of the constitution. And then, please explain why the Electoral College is still the best way to elect the President of the United States today. Spelling correctly is optional but make it legible.

And, don't get fired for cheating on your employer's time.

Easy. It's there to stop a mob rule so states like Cali and ny don't get to decide for the entire country. So every state no matter the size gets a equal say. Basically the electoral college is what makes a constitutional republic and not a democracy. I know you want to give the the liberal spin and say it's so we didn't elect a long or a slave but that's his not true. And imo it's one of the first steps of indoctrination. Make you go against the system you should hold dear.
writing in bernie sure showed them. now we have the most corrupt regim ein the history of the united states. good job.

It's unbelievable you say Trump is corrupt considering the alternative was far worse then a political outsider. Hillary accepted money from foreign countries she lied to your face on a national stage for partisan reasons. Proven corruption by rigging the Democrat primary. She is a elite globalist and you are a fool if you think she would have been better.....smh.
Once again your ignorance and hate comes through. I'm just a public school teacher making more of a difference everyday in the future of this country than you and all your lame troll friends. Have fun thinking you make a difference by your mean and hateful words. Us teachers are so though that no matter what you say I have heard it before, and it just makes me laugh. Try doing something with your life instead of pretending to win on the internet.

You are dismissed!

Guess you're not an English teacher.

Girls soccer coach?
Wrong.... again. Firstly him just acknowledging radical Islam is bigger then anything Obama has done his entire administration. Secondly we have called them out dropped the biggest bomb we have on them just to call them out. Showing we will not tolerate their b.s..

My financials I will not lie yours is better then mine. Have about 30k in my 401k and about 5k in blue chip stocks. I own my car I own my housekwell the bank does but I'm working on it) I don't want to wait until my 60s to retire so looking for alternate resources like stocks, mj, etc.
35,000 in savings. Is my guess that you make $50k per year too high? Oh well, I'll just use that number for now. It's the national median household income. Median wage for individuals is less, about $35K per year. Is that closer? I'm not knocking you for saving, good for you that you are. Are you single? I'll just assume you are for now.

If I assume you make 50k per year, and make other assumptions:
are saving 10% of your income -- that's $400 per month (you don't save that much do you? Better get started chowder head),
you are 30 years old, are single and always will be (snicker),
are comfortable with your current lifestyle and will live at about the same after you retire
your savings of $35k is invested in a broad based index fund that returns about 6% per year
pay in to social security every month throughout your working life
and you retire at age 60


You will be able to retire at the same standard of living that you currently have by age 60. About 2/3 your income will come from social security. Also, this model assumes medicare remains in place at about the same level of support for the elderly.

Did you know your republican congress wants to privatize and cut benefits from social security and medicare? Medicare is one of the programs on the chopping block in the currently passed medical bill. Without medicare to limit your medical bills as you get older, your ability to ever retire is questionable.

Also did you know that they just signed an order to deregulate the finance industry? Your financial adviser can put their need for a new car or a bindle of coke ahead of yours when they manage your account. It's now legal for them to put your interests second to their own when they manage your account. Finance charges can be a huge drag on retirement savings and prevents thousands of people from ever being able to retire, by the way.

Also, it's pretty unusual for people to make it to retirement without a major interruption in their earnings, such as getting laid off when a plant closes or a health issue. You should probably save more now. Saving $600 per month might make it more likely for you to overcome this when it happens and still retire at age 60.

Trump shagged you, idiot. The wealthy don't want you to retire comfortably. They want you to make money for them as long as you can and then die as cheaply and quickly as possible. Talk about a sheep. sheesh.
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Guess you're not an English teacher.

Girls soccer coach?

Guess you're not an English teacher.

Girls soccer coach?

Sorry I didn't proof read my posts and made a couple simple mistakes because I'm stoned as hell laughing at your petty ass. For people that are supposed to enjoy cannabis you guys are buzz kills and way too uptight! Nobody's perfect except you and Nancy Pelosi right jackass? This whole thread is hilarious.

Oh, and I am a wrestling coach that has won 2 team state championships. I could beat the shit out of you and the girls soccer coach any day.
It's unbelievable you say Trump is corrupt considering the alternative was far worse then a political outsider. Hillary accepted money from foreign countries she lied to your face on a national stage for partisan reasons. Proven corruption by rigging the Democrat primary. She is a elite globalist and you are a fool if you think she would have been better.....smh.
Is that why Trump won't release his tax returns? Because he has nothing to hide?
Sorry I didn't proof read my posts and made a couple simple mistakes because I'm stoned as hell laughing at your petty ass. For people that are supposed to enjoy cannabis you guys are buzz kills and way too uptight! Nobody's perfect except you and Nancy Pelosi right jackass? This whole thread is hilarious.

Oh, and I am a wrestling coach that has won 2 team state championships. I could beat the shit out of you and the girls soccer coach any day.

You can't even use correct English. I doubt if your education is much more than a GED.

And my lawyer loves threats from little tiny triggered internet cunts.

Come back when you and your happyfuckface friend.have some actual success to brag about.


Ya know I've been away from riu for awhile and I gotta say I am soo disappointed I thought growers would be above the un American fear tactics brought on by establishment politicians. Really thought you guys would be smarter then this.

I could send you picture with that much money as well don't mean shit. You probably got that image from Trump's tax returns. I hope you enjoy your money if you really have it. I have money as well, not as much as you, but I also have a family that loves me and thousands of students that will always remember the lesson I have taught them in their lives. All you have is you insults, bitterness, and oh yeah your money. Go ahead of sue my poor ass you won't get anything from me!!! You are too funny Donald! I'll sue you, HAHAHAHA!

P.S. You can't take any of that money with you when you die you little cunt. Hope you enjoy rotting in hell. Sorry, but me and my family won't see you there. HAHAHAHAH!

You aren't a teacher.

Teachers don't act like ditch diggers.

I could send you picture with that much money as well don't mean shit. You probably got that image from Trump's tax returns. I hope you enjoy your money if you really have it. ( one is reading this jive bullshit) I have money as well, not as much as you, but I also have a family that loves me and thousands of students that will always remember the lesson I have taught them in their lives. All you have is you insults, bitterness, and oh yeah your money. Go ahead of sue my poor ass you won't get anything from me!!! You are too funny Donald! I'll sue you, HAHAHAHA!

P.S. You can't take any of that money with you when you die you little cunt. Hope you enjoy rotting in hell. Sorry, but me and my family won't see you there. HAHAHAHAH!
