nancy pelosi appreciation thread

then why do you think it is OK for coal mining companies to dump coal ash into streams?

that is basically the only legislation your dumb, corrupt, racist hero has signed into law so far.
No one believes that just the establishment that played your little mind. You are literally parroting liberal media. Unbelievable you are proving to me that you cannot think for yourself or at least research something with non bias eyes. Specifically what Bill are you referring to?
No one believes that just the establishment that played your little mind. You are literally parroting liberal media. Unbelievable you are proving to me that you cannot think for yourself or at least research something with non bias eyes. Specifically what Bill are you referring to?

Spread your cheeks a little wider, kid....Diaper Donny's only got 3.5", and that's IF he's had his half dozen blue pills and eight ball...


I agree with you about ISIS. They have been boxed in and cut off from funds since the middle of the Obama administration and Trump's administration has been following Obama's plans well up to now. Because Trump is so completely unable to restrain himself, I expect the effort to go off the rails on the first provocation and Trump will send in troops. Expect

Wrong.... again. Firstly him just acknowledging radical Islam is bigger then anything Obama has done his entire administration. Secondly we have called them out dropped the biggest bomb we have on them just to call them out. Showing we will not tolerate their b.s..

My financials I will not lie yours is better then mine. Have about 30k in my 401k and about 5k in blue chip stocks. I own my car I own my housekwell the bank does but I'm working on it) I don't want to wait until my 60s to retire so looking for alternate resources like stocks, mj, etc.
Wrong.... again. Firstly him just acknowledging radical Islam is bigger then anything Obama has done his entire administration.

you realize that ISIS is now using that as a recruiting tool in not just one, but many of their propaganda videos now, right?

that was exactly what ISIS was hoping for you idiot.
We are not just giving money to large corporations. We are reducing a over inflated tax rate. The way it is now why wouldnt you pay half the cost and make your product in china? And why is the system doing this? Years of corrupt politicians channeling the money. you act like all corporations are evil like they are not rendering a service Jobs,product,revenue etc. We have seen it boom before and will again. It's obvious the issue is the driver not the vehicle. You are getting played by the mechanic. "Conservative institutions" Berkeley is not a conservative institution.

How can we help Exxon more?
Wrong.... again. Firstly him just acknowledging radical Islam is bigger then anything Obama has done his entire administration. Secondly we have called them out dropped the biggest bomb we have on them just to call them out. Showing we will not tolerate their b.s..

My financials I will not lie yours is better then mine. Have about 30k in my 401k and about 5k in blue chip stocks. I own my car I own my housekwell the bank does but I'm working on it) I don't want to wait until my 60s to retire so looking for alternate resources like stocks, mj, etc.

Wow, you are s-t-u-p-i-d. lol (Drumpf drone....biiiiig shock, eh?)
Mom/mom's latest boyfriend still paying your bills, eh?

Sentence structure is the way a sentence is arranged, grammatically. The sentence structure of your writing includes where the noun and verb fall within an individual sentence. Sentence structure depends on the language in which you're writing or speaking

also you: "what bill?"

this bill, you fucking idiot.

it requires coal mining companies to build berms at least 35 feet away from any stream or source of water to prvent their coal ash from polluting said streams and water sources.

congrats, you are the dumbest motherfucker on this website currently.
Wow omg you're serious right now. You fucking said it yourself. It's not so law allowing dumping lololol omg this is a eliminated regulation for company to not allow coal ash to go into a stream wtf? I'm glad you took the time to look it up but now can you see your idiocracy? You said a Bill to allow dumping now it's a eliminated regulation to prevent coal ash. Do you even know what you are trying to say? Eliminating regulations and eliminating the epa is a amazing start. Like I said rise above the shee0 mentality think for yourself.
Wow, you are s-t-u-p-i-d. lol (Drumpf drone....biiiiig shock, eh?)
Mom/mom's latest boyfriend still paying your bills, eh?

Sentence structure is the way a sentence is arranged, grammatically. The sentence structure of your writing includes where the noun and verb fall within an individual sentence. Sentence structure depends on the language in which you're writing or speaking

When all else fails attack grammar. Thank for being the typical libtard.
Wrong.... again. Firstly him just acknowledging radical Islam is bigger then anything Obama has done his entire administration. Secondly we have called them out dropped the biggest bomb we have on them just to call them out. Showing we will not tolerate their b.s..

My financials I will not lie yours is better then mine. Have about 30k in my 401k and about 5k in blue chip stocks. I own my car I own my housekwell the bank does but I'm working on it) I don't want to wait until my 60s to retire so looking for alternate resources like stocks, mj, etc.

LO fucking L

I wouldn't brag about a tiny 401k, a used car and a house that needed 50K put into it 5 yrs. ago.

Typical unimpressive wing nut.

Let me guess, seasonal work only.
Wow omg you're serious right now. You fucking said it yourself. It's not so law allowing dumping lololol omg this is a eliminated regulation for company to not allow coal ash to go into a stream wtf? I'm glad you took the time to look it up but now can you see your idiocracy? You said a Bill to allow dumping now it's a eliminated regulation to prevent coal ash. Do you even know what you are trying to say? Eliminating regulations and eliminating the epa is a amazing start. Like I said rise above the shee0 mentality think for yourself.

Hundreds more lead hotspots are identified as Trump prepares to gut programs
LO fucking L

I wouldn't brag about a tiny 401k, a used car and a house that needed 50K put into it 5 yrs. ago.

Typical unimpressive wing nut.

Let me guess, seasonal work only.

I'll brag because I earned it. Even if it's nothing I worked for it and am not afraid of your handouts being taken away. I take more pleasure when it's something earned and not just given.
Let me explain your sheepery. So you say he called Putin and told Assad. This is the liberal sheep exploration the truth is our involvement is not against Russia it's Syria. So yes if we are going to bomb we will notify Russia because it's not a attack on Russia just Syria. So the liberal media has manipulated your little mind to say it was some kind of collusion when really it's a formality to a strike. Fucking wise up son.
My family has more depth of knowledge about that strike than you can imagine.

I have two family members who are State Department alumni, between them I have a solid understanding of how America works with it's allies and enemies.

My uncle actually managed the department at General Dynamics that BUILT the Tomahawk. His son now works for DoD auditing defense contractors.

When I tell you that the airstrip attack in Syria was a made for TV movie, please understand that I'm not saying it because I'm a Democrat.

I'm saying it because 59 precision guided munitions failed to destroy any fighter aircraft or the airstrip itself. That's not an accident, that's intentional. Those missiles would have done more damage if they landed randomly. Understand?

Instead of calling everyone else names because someone on Fix News told you what you wanted to hear, try listening for a change.

And then, thinking; If America made a reality TV show out of attacking an airbase, the next thing you should be asking yourself is, 'why?'

But you know, I'm sure you already have all the answers, just exactly like the average 7 year old who only knows what he's been told.
...Five years ago. Also, enjoy the food stamps - you're welcome.


*Basic grasp on reality

"Son", eh? The guy's twice your age and could buy and sell you fifteen times before breakfast. ;)

Poor 'happyface' sock; pasty-faced virgin with a nazi fuckboi haircut, tsk tsk tsk.....sounding dumber and dumber with each 'post'....might need to pop more corn for this one...

Pop that corn bro! Something has you but hurt enough to keep talking shit over the internet.
I call you son cause you speak with the mind of a 12 year old. Keep attacking that grammar bro it's obvious that's all you got.