nancy pelosi appreciation thread

* Notifying Congress of a strike on Syria after it was reported that the country used gas on its citizens.

actually, trump did not notify congress of that. he called putin instead. putin told assad. assad moved his planes and chemical weapons.

they flew missions from that air strip the very next day, committing more chemical attacks on syrian civilians.

you are really dumb.

and most of the rest of the list didn't happen, dumbass.
Isis is being snuffed out and run out of their strongholds.
I agree with you about ISIS. They have been boxed in and cut off from funds since the middle of the Obama administration and Trump's administration has been following Obama's plans well up to now. Because Trump is so completely unable to restrain himself, I expect the effort to go off the rails on the first provocation and Trump will send in troops. Expect him to mire us in the Syrian civil war before the 2018 mid-term elections. Rednecks can't help but get all teary eyed and patriotic about foreign military adventures and will goose-step along with this.

Mexico will pay for the wall in the form of tarrifs.
Mexico isn't paying for the Wall. Even Trump has admitted this. Tooooooo funny that his GOP congress isn't even considering his request for funds to build that stupid thing.
My 401k is building with a higher percentage rate as of July. All you have done is shown you just take what you are told with no independent research like the sheep you are.
Will you have enough to retire on? Assuming the GOP congress and Trump don't destroy Medicare, or jack up inflation by careless management of the economy (both assumptions I'd say are false ones but let's just say this is true) the retirement calculator can be used to see where you are:

I punched in 30 years old with $100,000 saved, $50,000 annual income, 10% of income going in to savings ($400/month) and target retirement at 67. You'd just about make it. Actually you'll need to work to age 69, an appropriate number for a redneck like you.

Do you have kids? A home? cars? like to go on vacations? Many families have trouble making ends meet on an annual income of $50,000 and save 400/month for retirement.

Under the GOP healtcare plan, your insurance rates are going to skyrocket. Say goodbye to your retirement.

All you have done is shown you just take what you are told with no independent research like the sheep you are. You are literally regurgitating liberal media talking points the establishment would be proud of the puppet they have made out of you.
Too funny this. I'll just repeat your post with Rush Limbaugh's talking points quoted almost verbatim. Sheep are shorn, hogs are slaughtered.

Rednecks are hogs to wealthy republican elite.

-Mexico will pay for the wall in the form of tarrifs.
- Isis is being snuffed out and run out of their strongholds.
- He has defended law enforment by taking their side over hate groups like BLM.
- This President was DEMOCRATICALLY elected you sheep dems can not say the same superdelegates colluding with the media etc.
Every one of those claims are fake news.

Oh and spelling matters. Doesn't matter what you say, a message full of spelling errors makes you look dumber than you are. Represent rednecks better by at least using spell checker before hitting reply. dunce.

Trump only won because of some weird compromise to slave holders was written into the constitution which allowed a minority vote to put the only candidate more disliked than Hillary Clinton into office. The fake claim that this is "democracy" can't be more off target.
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"Uneducated dumb racist" typical libtard response. You have nothing to add but puppetry just shows you don't think for yourself and run with what you are told it's a fucking joke. Your politicians made it so anyone wanting to manufacture and distribute a product would be dumb to do it in USA. Pay much higher tac rate pay much higher wage. Thank Bill Clinton and nafta. Call me anything you want I'm just proud to not be a sheep manipulated by the establishment.
you are uneducated.

you should tell us more about how awesome it is that donald trump and his family make their shitty products in chinese sweatshops that pay $70 for an 82 hour work week.

dumb racist.

Just like how you talk about a majority vote and have the nerve to call me uneducated lol it's a sad joke. Learn what constitutional repu loc is and what the electoral college is then maybe you can talk without looking like a jackass showing you know Jack shot of what you are saying.
"Uneducated dumb racist" typical libtard response.

the shoe fits, you dumb racist.

Your politicians made it so anyone wanting to manufacture and distribute a product would be dumb to do it in USA.




that's called hypocrisy.

not to mention exploiting sweatshop workers, who make $70 for an 82 hour work week, which is just horribly cruel.

that's what you support though. no one forced you to be such a hypocrite, or to support one.

Thank Bill Clinton and nafta.



really though, how can you not be embarrassed at this point?

you must be really, really dumb.

Call me anything you want I'm just proud to not be a sheep manipulated by the establishment.

donald trump is a wealthy white man, born into vast wealth, inherited millions from his family, is invested heavily in wall street, hired 8 goldman sachs bankers into his cabinet, and uses the system to avoid paying taxes even when he bankrupts a casino.

donald trump is literally the definition of the establishment you dumbass.

you have the nerve to call me uneducate...Learn what constitutional repu loc is


you said trump was "DEMOCRATICALLY" elected. do you have any idea what that word means?

getting 3 million less votes but winning anyway is not being "DEMOCRATICALLY" elected, idiot.

learn what the electoral college is then maybe you can talk without looking like a jackass showing you know Jack shot of what you are saying.

the electoral college is a compromise designed to give special rights, powers, and privileges to slave states. that's what got donald trump elected.

the choice of the people was hillary clinton, by 3 million votes.

trump, at the height of his popularity, got as much of the vote as dukakis did.


you are a dumb racist.
Jesus can you people come up with anything of your own. Saying I'm quoting someone I'VE NEVER LOSTENED TO. And unlike you scrubbs I'm add work right now don't have time to reread. You know what I'm saying your just mad I know you sheepery.

@Fogdog if that's what you think about the electoral college thank you for proving my point. You are indoctrinated sheep shell of a American. We need a civil war to weed out that un American rhetoric you spew. If that happened though you snowflakes would just leave. Not man enough to fight. Dont worry childern. People usually grow out of liberalism. What you guys represent isn't even liberalism actually you're just destroying the good name of liberalism. Suck it up butter cups and just like you are used to...... sit back and take it.
Saying I'm quoting someone I'VE NEVER LOSTENED TO. And unlike you scrubbs I'm add work right now


you are uneducated. and apparently not that valuable an asset if your work allows you to spew homicidal anger online while on the clock.

We need a civil war to weed out that un American rhetoric you spew.

what are you waiting for, you pussy?

grab your gun and start fighting already.
I'm only embarrassed for you sheep minded individuals. I'll pray for ya.

were you aware that crime is way down, immigration is at a standstill, walls are ineffective at stopping immigration, and that white males right wingers are 3 times as likely to commit acts of terrorism as muslim people?

or are you too much of a sheep who is stuck in a bubble of fake news and propaganda to realize this?
When have I been angry? You guys are the ones talking shit cause I called out your puppetry. I've been nothing but nice to you weak minded sheep.
"Uneducated dumb racist" typical libtard response. You have nothing to add but puppetry just shows you don't think for yourself and run with what you are told it's a fucking joke. Your politicians made it so anyone wanting to manufacture and distribute a product would be dumb to do it in USA. Pay much higher tac rate pay much higher wage. Thank Bill Clinton and nafta. Call me anything you want I'm just proud to not be a sheep manipulated by the establishment.

Just like how you talk about a majority vote and have the nerve to call me uneducated lol it's a sad joke. Learn what constitutional repu loc is and what the electoral college is then maybe you can talk without looking like a jackass showing you know Jack shot of what you are saying.

Jesus can you people come up with anything of your own. Saying I'm quoting someone I'VE NEVER LOSTENED TO. And unlike you scrubbs I'm add work right now don't have time to reread. You know what I'm saying your just mad I know you sheepery.

@Fogdog if that's what you think about the electoral college thank you for proving my point. You are indoctrinated sheep shell of a American. We need a civil war to weed out that un American rhetoric you spew. If that happened though you snowflakes would just leave. Not man enough to fight. Dont worry childern. People usually grow out of liberalism. What you guys represent isn't even liberalism actually you're just destroying the good name of liberalism. Suck it up butter cups and just like you are used to...... sit back and take it.

I'm only embarrassed for you sheep minded individuals. I'll pray for ya.

When have I been angry? You guys are the ones talking shit cause I called out your puppetry. I've been nothing but nice to you weak minded sheep.

Do the world a favor, inbreeder....


Well spoken

"Alt accounts are not allowed."

actually, trump did not notify congress of that. he called putin instead. putin told assad. assad moved
Let me explain your sheepery. So you say he called Putin and told Assad. This is the liberal sheep exploration the truth is our involvement is not against Russia it's Syria. So yes if we are going to bomb we will notify Russia because it's not a attack on Russia just Syria. So the liberal media has manipulated your little mind to say it was some kind of collusion when really it's a formality to a strike. Fucking wise up son.