naming your piece


Active Member
does anyone else name their bowl/bong/peace pipe/ect. ?

my bong's name is Jack the Ripper because it has
skull and cross bones all over it

most of my bowls have names but hell if i remember them all.

haha. man i'm baked.
it's this new strain we got in town called 'trainwreck' ??

anyway..just making small chat. .

mine is named micheal jackson because it broke twice and i had to epoxy it back together, lol and reminds me of plastic surgery
LMAO@ listening to thriller
thats awesome man. and my first piece ever was a beatiful dark blue beast of a bowl. i called her ella :(.. she's gone now... i'd rather not talk about it.

and i have a blue 5 foot bong that we call cookie monster cause we started off ripping cookies out of it. i'm stil tryna find googly eyes for him