I'm not playing games with you.
You called me a racist.
Back up your allegations punk!
i'm trying to be gentle here, i'm even using lube. but you refuse to answer three simple questions that are not even about yourself.
since you're too much of a pussy old man, i'll hold your withered old hand and walk you down the path.
i'll answer for you. NO, no one calls it obama security. they call it social security.
No, no one calls it obama medicare, they call it medicare.
No, no one calls it obama unemployment insurance, they call it unemployment insurance.
we'll call those social assistance programs the "broadly targeted" social assistance programs.
now, let's take a look at some things that do beget the obama label.
"obama is the food stamp president" - newt gingrich
"obama's plan...they just send you a welfare check. welfare to work goes back to just welfare" - mitt romney approves this message
"obamaphone" - you
what's the difference between the former "broadly targeted" social assistance programs and the latter social assistance programs?
the latter social assistance programs are means tested, they are for the poor specifically.
so why do the broadly targeted programs not get the obama label while the means tested ones do?
a fucking mountain of academic research says it's racism moreso than self interest, egalitarianism, or individualism.
a fucking mountain of academic research shows that it is linked to and predicted by perceptions of blacks as lazy, undependable, and demanding.
a fucking mountain of academic research shows this link is strongest in means tested programs, and that broadly targeted programs do not have the same relation to racial attitudes as means tested programs.
the conclusion? "obamaphone" caters to your racial resentments without being an over race bait.
don't believe me? don't agree?
fine. show me why the fucking mountains of academic rsearch are wrong then. (hint: they aren't)
if you want to see the entire study without registering for free, just google the title of the paper and choose the second google link, the one that starts with "apps.cla.umn.edu/directory...)