Name That Stoner Job


Well-Known Member
I just figured I would start a post where you name that stoner job. Me I work for the United States Census Bureau. No drug test and the perfect stoner job. They pay me to drive around stoned all day listening to music. The only task that is required of me is to walk up to peoples doors and say "Hi sir I would like you to fill out this census form, and return it so I can get a better understanding of the neighborhood." How great is that the government pays me to get stoned. Who would have thought:bigjoint:

Tell us about your odd and unique stoner jobs. Please No Bugger King
Used to work in a factory where we made books like en vogue, penthouse .. and worked the night shift 4pm-4am .. soo why not lolz
Ill be a chef soon, theres an other druggy field :bigjoint:
Lol no I usually get lucky n don't have to deal with much of anything except keeping the fire going...
greenhouse worker.. free coffee, fresh air sometimes, music, and so chill
roofers.. they just always seem high

roofer by trade..... most of us are always high :-P

now i get paid to go to college... well, college is paid, but living expenses are mostly covered by student loans..... regardless, I'm getting by in these tough times.... and didnt have to quit smoking to do it:clap:
I hear that I use to do roofing....There as always something about being up high and being high that always brought me comfort:bigjoint:. Being a college student is great too as I am one college scholarships and grants and loans make the perfect finance for my weed need.
Ive had a few different "jobs" all were great stoner jobs except my military time.

Chef- always munchies to be had
Guitar Store- play whatever guitar I wanted
Cemetery worker - talk about quiet
Tattooist - Getting paid to draw on people is the best

My dui alcohol conselor tried to make me quit working restraunts I was drunk so much on the house.

I once drank a whole keg, the owner was like "wtf, the keg is empty and we have not sold any!". I was fired one day for drinking the chianti for breakfast

Courier was awesome also. Back then tho I had a habit with amphetamines tho. AHHH college. :)

Nursery I get to stay in the blessed feild of fun. Man teaching plomeria growers and orchid people how to do soiless is fun adter learning pot.
sounds like someone might to lay off the sauce.:spew:

Nursey would be a great job, such a peaceful job working with plants and being high goes along great ith that. Giving life is always better than taking a life.:blsmoke: