
Well-Known Member

What's going on in here?

I'm sure you're here to find out just that.

Have you ever been told you look like a famous person?
If so post your supposed doppelganger here.
Share if you like, or don't, it's all good.

I have been told by a few folks that I look like someone else they know
but only twice have I been told that I look like someone famous.
2 different women, on 2 different continents, have approached me in public
and said "has anyone ever told you you look like John Goodman?"

I don't see any resemblance what so ever, but 2 total strangers think so.

I googled JG just to see his mug from over his carrier and I still don't see it.
If I squint my eyes and tilt my head just a bit when I look at his pics maybe,
just maybe I can see a miniscule resemblance around the eyes. Other than
that the only thing in common is he sometimes sports a beard.

I doubt he would ever be asked to stand in a police lineup with me as
it would be obvious that we do not look similar enough for that.

For the vain folks around these part you may post people that look like you.

Thanks for stopping in and playing
Name that Balloon Knot!
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