'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Of course not - butterflies are for girls!

They’re into proper manly shit, like open carry, brandishing, intimidation, and whatever it takes to ‘win’ any ‘conflict’….

Dude really knows the value of a dollar….
if the kid i had raised wrote a letter like that, he'd be living in a shelter, because i'd kick his (or her) ass straight out into the street with nothing but the clothes on their back...and then i'd sit and try to figure out where i fucked up that badly...i think shooting the laptop was a good first step...kids shouldn't be allowed unrestricted access to the internet, they are prepared to deal with practically nothing, think they know everything, and in reality don't have the faintest fucking clue about anything.
the mistakes that father made, he made a lot longer ago than when he made that video


Well-Known Member
if the kid i had raised wrote a letter like that, he'd be living in a shelter, because i'd kick his (or her) ass straight out into the street with nothing but the clothes on their back...and then i'd sit and try to figure out where i fucked up that badly...i think shooting the laptop was a good first step...kids shouldn't be allowed unrestricted access to the internet, they are prepared to deal with practically nothing, think they know everything, and in reality don't have the faintest fucking clue about anything.
the mistakes that father made, he made a lot longer ago than when he made that video
As a parent and grandparent, I’m concerned with how “we” keep failing kids like “her”…I can’t judge her letter (hell, I was even a kid myself once), but I can’t *help* having an opinion about (what I can see of) his parenting.

HOWEVER, an ironic illustration of ‘why Republicans don’t like butterflies’ was THE POINT.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
HOWEVER, an ironic illustration of ‘why Republicans don’t like butterflies’ was THE POINT.
no, the whole point was that republicans are paranoid douchebag cocksuckers, and will strike out at anything they see a a threat to their sacred way of life, no matter how fucking ignorant it makes them...
i just went off on a tangent...
so why can you judge him and can't judge her? you saw 5 minutes of "his behavior" in a video where he is responding to an unusual situation. you don't know if he always carries that pistol, or if it was just for the video...you don't suppose he's upset, after he sacrificed, worked overtime, paid for hospital bills, bought clothes, christmas presents, fed the kid...to get a letter from someone you carried for their entire life, telling you to fuck off, you're a cocksucker for expecting me to help out around the house a little...and to get it online, where thousands can see it?....i would have just thrown her the fuck out of my house, with nothing....


Well-Known Member
Why aren't beloved guns allowed at Individual 1's rallies? Aren't Repulsivans for the second amendment? I'm just asking questions!
because then he'd have to have a bullet proof partition like on 1/6, when he knew people would come armed..partition set-up is extra.

bet you Obama is re-thinking the Secret Service for life benefit he got passed in 2012.


Well-Known Member
no, the whole point was that republicans are paranoid douchebag cocksuckers, and will strike out at anything they see a a threat to their sacred way of life, no matter how fucking ignorant it makes them...
…and I thought my comment directly highlighted that, but…
i just went off on a tangent...
yes, you did
so why can you judge him and can't judge her?
Simple: I’m a father, I have a daughter, who I mostly raised by myself for the first 5 years, and ‘remotely’ for the rest; her growing up years were..troubled.

If I had received a letter like that from her, I’d have taken it as PROOF that I’d screwed up in the most fundamental and important ways possible, and I’d have tried to make amends. I didn’t *have* to make amends for anything I did - to, for, or about her; she *KNOWS* I’m on *her* side, no matter what, because I’ve always BEEN on her side. NO MATTER WHAT.

We talk, text, and chat often. IT was HARD, it changed me, and it was worth it.

you saw 5 minutes of "his behavior" in a video where he is responding to an unusual situation. you don't know if he always carries that pistol, or if it was just for the video...you don't suppose he's upset, after he sacrificed, worked overtime, paid for hospital bills, bought clothes, christmas presents, fed the kid...to get a letter from someone you carried for their entire life, telling you to fuck off, you're a cocksucker for expecting me to help out around the house a little...and to get it online, where thousands can see it?....i would have just thrown her the fuck out of my house, with nothing....
Some people should *never* be parents. Or pet owners.

A parent who *ALLOWS* things to degenerate into a power struggle with a child - and never comes up with a better/different strategy or perspective - simply isn’t fit for the job, IMO: an asshole who ‘provides things’ but acts like a tyrant to their children isn’t much of a *parent* - just another immature, emotionally-stunted asshole who wants to be “paid back” by the people who (must) live under their rule. TONS of bosses just like that - and plenty of parents, too.


Well-Known Member
Years ago, I was having trouble with my 10 year old, who I love so much, but didn't quite like at the time. She couldn't communicate without sarcasm. Heavy dripping sarcasm. I couldn't believe I was the only one with a love/don't-like relationship with a child. So I Google search 'I don't like my ten year old', and, of course, its completely common.
Phew! I wasn't alone. I read around d awhile and got the will to just tough it out for a couple of years.
Later that afternoon I pick her up from school and we go to the library. My phone is there between us charging. She picks it up without me noticing and a few very quiet minutes later she says, "you don't like me?" I'd left it on the damn search page. Shit!!!!
I.wont bore you with the details, but I had a long, embarrassing but fruitful talk with her.
It turned out OK.
Pro tip- your kids.dont give a damn when you tell them to wait till they have their own to better understand.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
…and I thought my comment directly highlighted that, but…

yes, you did

Simple: I’m a father, I have a daughter, who I mostly raised by myself for the first 5 years, and ‘remotely’ for the rest; her growing up years were..troubled.

If I had received a letter like that from her, I’d have taken it as PROOF that I’d screwed up in the most fundamental and important ways possible, and I’d have tried to make amends. I didn’t *have* to make amends for anything I did - to, for, or about her; she *KNOWS* I’m on *her* side, no matter what, because I’ve always BEEN on her side. NO MATTER WHAT.

We talk, text, and chat often. IT was HARD, it changed me, and it was worth it.

Some people should *never* be parents. Or pet owners.

A parent who *ALLOWS* things to degenerate into a power struggle with a child - and never comes up with a better/different strategy or perspective - simply isn’t fit for the job, IMO: an asshole who ‘provides things’ but acts like a tyrant to their children isn’t much of a *parent* - just another immature, emotionally-stunted asshole who wants to be “paid back” by the people who (must) live under their rule. TONS of bosses just like that - and plenty of parents, too.
yeah, a LOT of people should never be parents, but they are...
a lot of people should never be politicians, but they are,
a lot of people should never be a lot of things, but they are...and talking about what should be is exactly as productive as shitting in your hand...
so what you wanna do about it all? got some solutions? or just more self righteous verbal diarrhea?
and of course that guy fucked up, but i'm betting he's a lot more typical parent than you are, which is unfortunate, but how do you intend to stop practically the entire world from having children till they're emotionally able to take care of them? and financially able?
magazines, websites, television...it all influences kids, and republicans are concerned that teachers are teaching the truth, and DEMAND that parents have more of a say in their children's curriculums at school, when the parents have no idea what should be taught, why any of it should be taught, how to teach anyone anything effectively...it is exactly the same as demanding that the mechanic fixing your car take your advice on how to fix your car...if you had the faintest fucking idea what you were talking about, you'd be doing it yourself....
this isn't really a tangent, one thing leads to another, and they're all interconnected...he failed as a parent, but so do at least half the parents out there...you seem like a better parent than average (judging from your own description, but you seem sincere) but the average parent is tired, has some small resentment of their own children (or else the jokes about the cost of children in never attained boats, motorcycles, house additions, travel...wouldn't be funny to anyone) is probably a little financially stressed, is working more hours than they want to to take care of a family they never planned to have...
so i'm not condoning his behavior, but try to look at it from the perspective of someone who isn't as good a parent as you are, but is still trying...
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Well-Known Member
I know I didn’t get everything right - I just hope I got a fair portion of the important stuff right…and she had to go thru a version of a fuck-you phase for a while - but she was out of college by then and needed distance from parents to get her bearings. We’ve both apologized for things, but nothing that could have ever broken us. If I’m a reasonably decent dad, I’m quite happy with that.

Not ‘pulling rank’ with other parents, I truly believe that every one is doing the best they can (and the thought raises my hackles sometimes, it’s true). I’m not sure it’s possible NOT to screw up parenting…but I sure tried like hell every chance I had. That’s all I want to see, ‘cause like parents can tell when kids are going through the motions, *kids* can tell when their parents are doing it, too. A whole lot of love, and time, and attention is what it takes, if you can KEEP THAT GOING, your success rate will more or less take care of itself.

Sorry, not really a blowhard - and more proud of her, who she is and how she‘s doing, than I am of “my parenting”.


Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure (because who knows if that dick heads kid even wrote that (or if that is a usable laptop) and he is not trying to just have his 'viral moment'), that dude needs to delete all his online accounts and just log off the internet if he is radicalized enough to shoot something to make some stupid as shit point and post it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure (because who knows if that dick heads kid even wrote that (or if that is a usable laptop) and he is not trying to just have his 'viral moment'), that dude needs to delete all his online accounts and just log off the internet if he is radicalized enough to shoot something to make some stupid as shit point and post it.
some people lack eloquence, but still feel the need to express their rage....