Name mine feline

I call my cat Chedder, Chedderton, Cheese, Che, Cheesaton, but if I called him Mr Poogawooogas I think hed run away.
I have a dog that looks like a cat if that helps. I always swore i'd never get a little dog. And then here he comes. And then I swore if I did get a little dog i'd never put something stupid on them like those little sweaters. Ya. Guess what he's wearing...
Buttons, like he has chocolate buttons on his nose and paws... And it has something to do with food/you feeding him. We had a cremello Dutch warmblood with bright blue eyes at the stables, so we called him Sinatra. How's Sinatra?
I like the kitty. Some of the name choices make me want to smack someone with a carp. But really cute kitty. I hope his leg isn't jacked.
We have a very old Siamese (lives outside) we call tł'idii kitty (tł'id means to fart). She has a gas problem.
Not going to get declawed. He managed to get to sleep so well see how he acts in the morning. Hes still shivering a bit even in his sleep. Now we need a name that means tough.

Adamantine. Rhenium. Austenite. Diatreme. (so many pussibilities.) cn

<edit> "Cosmo" sounds too much like something from a dumbed-down Cartoon Network offering for my tastes.

<edit some more> Flawless, defect-free crystallites are awesomely tough. They're called "whiskers". Now if only there was cat name potential in there ... it eludes me but I can feel how close it is ...
...I love the irony of seeking a name in the rarefied altitudes of the ivory towers, only to arrive at something mundane&familiar.
I dont give my cat's a name until they've survived a year or two....... They have to earn it. Naming em too early is bad luck. But my cat's are strictly outdoor cats.