Name mine feline

Yaaa. I've had cats before. If a homeless one showed up at my door or something i'd take it in but I wouldn't go intentionally get one.
Well the poor thing was just hurt pretty bad. A fan fell from a counter and of course he was under it. It landed right on his little back leg. He is laying down trying to go to sleep now, but he keeps shivering off and on and his leg keeps twitching. I don't have the heart to see if it's broken. Guess we will be making a trip to the vet in the morning.
Well the poor thing was just hurt pretty bad. A fan fell from a counter and of course he was under it. It landed right on his little back leg. He is laying down trying to go to sleep now, but he keeps shivering off and on and his leg keeps twitching. I don't have the heart to see if it's broken. Guess we will be making a trip to the vet in the morning.

poor little what's-his-name! you may be in for an expensive morning.

as i'm sure you know, cats are notorious for this sort of behavior.
See if it's broken. If it is, take a popsicle stick and some tape and lay it flat against the bottom of his foot and tape it up. It'll help his bone not grind against anything it shouldn't.
See if it's broken. If it is, take a popsicle stick and some tape and lay it flat against the bottom of his foot and tape it up. It'll help his bone not grind against anything it shouldn't.

I am absolutely incapable of causing an animal pain, even for it's own good. He is grooming himself a little now so I think the pain is subsiding. His leg is a bit swollen.
I am absolutely incapable of causing an animal pain, even for it's own good. He is grooming himself a little now so I think the pain is subsiding. His leg is a bit swollen.

i probably couldn't tell if a cat's leg was broken, and would fear breaking it or injuring it further if i tried.

he might be fine come morning, no vet trip required. poor little guy.
Awe, you already traumatized the poor little guy! I hope he can sleep it off tonight and be alright in the morning :(

You didn't get him de-clawed did you?
This is hilarious. A thread full of usernames that I have seen just absolutely demolish people in textual confrontations...and they're in here oohing and awing over the kitten...amazing.
Cat's are amazing, I've had mine for almost 9 years and I would gladly take a bullet for her.
I dread the day I either find she passed away or have to put her down, even thinking about that makes my heart hurt.

They're the only true best friends for life.

Not going to get declawed. He managed to get to sleep so well see how he acts in the morning. Hes still shivering a bit even in his sleep. Now we need a name that means tough.
tough, you say?


name him cookie. nothing says tough like 'cookie'!

it goes well with the other cat names you have, which make me LOL.

my cats are named (nicknamed): pepper (pepper), sampson (sammy), ophelia (fifi), and viola (fatty, because she is fat).

my take is that we give animals names and never call them that name again.
I agree with that statement.. I call my cat pretty much everything other than her name.

Even though she's a she, mr. poogawoogas is a common one.
fat stuff
fat fuck
fat fat

viola does not respond to us if we call her viola. we say 'fatty' or one of the above listed names.