Active Member
"My main plant i'm taking care of (no posting - due to theft issuses) is fuckin off the hook and looks way better than most of the shit i've seen people grow outdoors and post on here"
theft issues?
its statements like this that lead people to say "pics or it never happened!"
you seem to be yet another self proclaimed expert grower.
if you REALLY want to give Advanced your money, just get the 3 part Grow/Micro/Bloom, and learn with that.
FYI, im not impressed by you bashing organic's, watch your tongue around here if you want legit help.
I love to talk to people on here and learning new things from various people's experiences. I do lots of research and know my shit pretty well. However if some1 is guna come on my thread and start talking shit...i'll let him know what's up and what a piece of shit he is. I was thinking about doing the a/n line of the 3 part.. but.. I think this is the only grow i'm going to do - leaving for airforce to pursue career. But i'm using the fox farm line with the advanced nutrients bloom enhancers and what not. You guys can use your organics but don't act like ur better than me and know far more than me because i'm using top of the line nutrients.
I'll post pics of my plant i'm talking about when I harvest. I'm sure you'll remember my name when you see it.
that last comment kinda lowered my opinoin of you even more so...yah...jus FYI next time you post somethin mildly retarded like that