Naked Bitches

"My main plant i'm taking care of (no posting - due to theft issuses) is fuckin off the hook and looks way better than most of the shit i've seen people grow outdoors and post on here"

theft issues?

its statements like this that lead people to say "pics or it never happened!"

you seem to be yet another self proclaimed expert grower.

if you REALLY want to give Advanced your money, just get the 3 part Grow/Micro/Bloom, and learn with that.

FYI, im not impressed by you bashing organic's, watch your tongue around here if you want legit help.

I love to talk to people on here and learning new things from various people's experiences. I do lots of research and know my shit pretty well. However if some1 is guna come on my thread and start talking shit...i'll let him know what's up and what a piece of shit he is. I was thinking about doing the a/n line of the 3 part.. but.. I think this is the only grow i'm going to do - leaving for airforce to pursue career. But i'm using the fox farm line with the advanced nutrients bloom enhancers and what not. You guys can use your organics but don't act like ur better than me and know far more than me because i'm using top of the line nutrients.

I'll post pics of my plant i'm talking about when I harvest. I'm sure you'll remember my name when you see it.
that last comment kinda lowered my opinoin of you even more so...yah...jus FYI next time you post somethin mildly retarded like that
I love to talk to people on here and learning new things from various people's experiences. I do lots of research and know my shit pretty well. However if some1 is guna come on my thread and start talking shit...i'll let him know what's up and what a piece of shit he is. I was thinking about doing the a/n line of the 3 part.. but.. I think this is the only grow i'm going to do - leaving for airforce to pursue career. But i'm using the fox farm line with the advanced nutrients bloom enhancers and what not. You guys can use your organics but don't act like ur better than me and know far more than me because i'm using top of the line nutrients.

I'll post a pics of my plant that i'm talking about when I harvest. I'm sure you'll remember my name when you see it

do you really need all those different sources of P&K? because thats what most of the famed "Bloom Boosters" are.
most of the Bloom Boosters out there are actually Mono-potassium Phosphate, which is available for the cheap online.
"Fertilizer grade MKP contains the equivalent of 52% P2O5 and 34% K2O, and is labeled 0-52-34. MKP is often used as a nutrient source in the greenhouse trade and in hydroponics."
marijuana doesn't even need that much P, according to Mel Frank, plants need two times more K then P.
"Top of the line Nutrients"
hahaha, you mean top of the price chart.
if your gona run with advanced nutes you mise well use big bud.Big bud and overdrive are the only two products frm advance i use.Advanced is good but way over rated there all about marketing and gettin there money.Id use that instead of tiger bloom for sure.
judging by the brush in the background and all the dirt piled up around them i would say they are in the 3-4 foot range! I HAVE A WHOLE ROOM FULL OF 6 FOOTERS and they are way bigger than those on any camera. sorry bro but im also a contractor and i know how to read a tape. good luck on your 3 lbs you are probly looking closer to 1 or under. happy farming
if your gona run with advanced nutes you mise well use big bud.Big bud and overdrive are the only two products frm advance i use.Advanced is good but way over rated there all about marketing and gettin there money.Id use that instead of tiger bloom for sure.

If you look at my first the basics of how I will be running my nutrient system for my plants flowering phase.

I'm using the Bud Ignitor, big bud, and overdrive. as well as bud candy
judging by the brush in the background and all the dirt piled up around them i would say they are in the 3-4 foot range! I HAVE A WHOLE ROOM FULL OF 6 FOOTERS and they are way bigger than those on any camera. sorry bro but im also a contractor and i know how to read a tape. good luck on your 3 lbs you are probly looking closer to 1 or under. happy farming

Just measure them with a measuring tape. 1. 6'4 - 2 & 3. 5'4.

I lil mis-estimation. regardless they are going to be 7 - 6 - 6 atleast.. after two more weeks of vegging. so....I say 2p's.

Let me ask you this...if that was one giant much do you think I would get from it. probably over a P huh....exactly....It's 3 it has 3 main stems, all with their own root systems to harness nutrients and what not.
I still say 2p's.
do you really need all those different sources of P&K? because thats what most of the famed "Bloom Boosters" are.
most of the Bloom Boosters out there are actually Mono-potassium Phosphate, which is available for the cheap online.
"Fertilizer grade MKP contains the equivalent of 52% P2O5 and 34% K2O, and is labeled 0-52-34. MKP is often used as a nutrient source in the greenhouse trade and in hydroponics."
marijuana doesn't even need that much P, according to Mel Frank, plants need two times more K then P.
"Top of the line Nutrients"
hahaha, you mean top of the price chart.

I got do whatever you think is the best for you....I'm guna grow my chronic plants over here.
What yield do you think off of these 3 plants?
3 plants
1.) 7ft
2.) 6ft topped
3.) 6ft topped.
{2 on left are Frisian Dew - 1 on right is Jack 47}
two more weeks of veg.
flower nutes - rhino skin..when needed
1-2 week tiger bloom, bud ignitor, bud candy
3-6 week: tiger bloom, big bud, bud candy
7-8 week: big bloom, overdrive, bud candy
9-10 week: final phase.

View attachment 1707636

how much is your pound of weed gonna cost in the end? how much are you going to shell out to AN for that lineup? how deep are there greedy fingers in your wallet?
how much is your pound of weed gonna cost in the end? how much are you going to shell out to AN for that lineup? how deep are there greedy fingers in your wallet?

200 - 220 an O. all nutrients - $200. I didn't buy massive bottles of each. I'd say..good investment to have the best shit.
Let's see....I'm a college grad...own my own home with 6 acres....and now that we know your a racist bastard, I doubt you will get any real help from people...I will make sure to copy and paste the racist remark you made on every forum I see you on....internet banging is so 2005....fuck you and your autoflower your so proud of....
I would like to see that diploma..with a form of Id with your face/ name on it..for real. Don't wana get bashed? don't come in my thread and talk shit.
whatr you 13 ..."ima copy and paste your remark on other forums" for sure. have fun with that.

Hating on me now for being proud of what I grow?....your stretchingggg homie
JACK you racist fuck! i cant belive it "FAT MEXICAN" WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with weather he can grow bomb ass shit??
Umm let me think...i'm guna take advice from an uneducated fat mexican ... no. thanks tho. I know what i'm doing.. My main plant i'm taking care of (no posting - due to theft issuses) is fuckin off the hook and looks way better than most of the shit i've seen people grow outdoors and post on here. It doesn't take a genius to just can't be stupid. I got money..and I choose to invest in nutrients to give the best why don't you stick with your cow shit/molasses..and don't mind me.

I don't take offense to what you said...cus your fucking stupid. - probably live in a shack with 8 brothers and 9 sisters.
your a fucking loser
Has you doctor perscribed you this yet. He was talking shit..just like you. Here's an answer...stay out of my threads and don't talk shit.

Umm let me think...i'm guna take advice from an uneducated fat mexican ... no. thanks tho. I know what i'm doing.. My main plant i'm taking care of (no posting - due to theft issuses) is fuckin off the hook and looks way better than most of the shit i've seen people grow outdoors and post on here. It doesn't take a genius to just can't be stupid. I got money..and I choose to invest in nutrients to give the best why don't you stick with your cow shit/molasses..and don't mind me.

I don't take offense to what you said...cus your fucking stupid. - probably live in a shack with 8 brothers and 9 sisters.
Last edited by jack47; 07-27-2011 at 04:53 PM.​
wow...the truth comes's funny how people jump to conclusions....i happen to be french canadian.....and proud of it....i think that there are rules on racist's remarks on this site...can anybody tell me who to contact to shut this guys account down?
Maybe I should .. contact them myself for you bashing me on my own threads. hmmm. lets see.....who ignited this... oh ..... u
fdd2blk is who you need he already thinks very little of this guy .. as i gather jack reported somone but fdd just said jack should not sign up with the same email he uses for facebook!!
jack is a dueche on other threads but gets FLAMED on his own,,, have fun with that rino skin buddy
Oh i'm not mistake my emotions. i'm totally calm. I'm just lettin you know wassup.

With two other don't want non of this. Here 24/7 n I'm up all night babyyanigga0727012133.jpg