N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member

Get some general hydroponics Bloom. Just the bloom part of the three part formula, it is the pink bottle. 3 or 4 tablespoons per five gallon bucket will get you a half pound to a pound per plant.

For deer use hair. Dumpster dive as a barber shop or beauty shop. One bag lasts a couple years and just toss it around the area. Every week toss out a little more.

Starting in late August they do the fly overs in Washington State. To camo them without shading them, find some dead snag branches, big ones. Stick one in the ground next to a plant so that the branches go over the top of the plant. From a distance, all you can see is the dead snag. I grew about a mile from a helicopter school and had helicopters flying over every 15 minutes at about 150 feet all season with no problems. Best camo job you can do with weed.

If you go to your spot and you see your stuff, buckets...etc, up on tree branches, leave. This is what the cops do if they raid your spot. Everything, tarps, buckets, tools, everything they will put up in the air on small trees. In Washington state they have a grab and go policy so they dont bother with finger prints or waiting you out. They will only nab you if they catch you red handed. They do try to raid gardens on the weekends because it is more likely they will catch the grower.

Best thing I ever did outdoors was use the pink General Hydroponics liquid bloom formula. My yeilds went from 3 or 4 zips to a pound or more per, half pound off the small ones. Ive gotten a pound and a half off a plant that was only getting four hours of direct sun. The stuff is like a miracle. Of course you should give them nitrogen right up to the last two weeks. Particularily now that they are getting ready to bloom.

Bend the plants, this will give you 1/3 more final product. Bending the main top down will make all of the side branches turn into terminal buds. This also serves to alter the shape of the plants thus making them look less like marijuana from the distance.

That is about it for now off the top of my head. Oh, yeah, and obscure any trails you might have made.

I grew outside for decades in Wa state.

What up GTS!! And thanks for the info and advice! I'm already utilizing a few of those techniques, but I've got a question on the G.H. Bloom stuff. How often did you fert with that, and what did you supplement it with? Just a general grow formula? I know it's good stuff, and can be used non- hydroponically; it's actually what we're usin at my friend's house for our soil grow, and it's workin just fine.

Hit me back with some more info!!!!:peace:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lol, I was in whidbey and anacortes for a while! Being from SD origanally I loved the shit out of Wa. It has a lot of what we dont! Green! Hey your tattoo means the new rug of the ages, lol. Read most of your grow, awesome. +rep.


Well-Known Member
lol, I was in whidbey and anacortes for a while! Being from SD origanally I loved the shit out of Wa. It has a lot of what we dont! Green! Hey your tattoo means the new rug of the ages, lol. Read most of your grow, awesome. +rep.

Thank's for stoppin by TT!! Yeah, Washington is definately a nice place to live. Clean air, lots of green, lots of outdoor recreation, and lots of dankness!!! So I take it you don't live here anymore. What made you leave? Were you military by chance? Or maybe workin the refineries?

New rug huh? Well, hopefully it's shag!!!

Thank's for the rep also!!:peace:


Well-Known Member

HEY MANS, Thats a badass tattoo you got there, how much did you pay 4 that thing:leaf:

Hey Hippie!! Thank's bro!! Ummmm.......I think I paid about $300, if I'm remembering correctly. I was thinkin of puttin the big phallic wrench somewhere cause I dig it's simplicity and power, also because it doesn't actually say Tool as well, but I don't know. We'll see.

Thank's for stoppin!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I dont know how the fuck I missed your journal, but Im sub'd now for sure!!!!

I just read the whole thing, your pictures are very very nice.

Impressive outdoor grow my friend :weed:

Looks like you live in paradise, haha great scenery



Well-Known Member
What up GTS!! And thanks for the info and advice! I'm already x
Hit me back with some more info!!!!:peace:
Use it every time you water, start with 1 or 2 tablespoons per five gallons and work up to five tablespoons per five gallons by September. It does not build up in the soil because it is super soluble so you need to add it every watering. It increased my yields by six times and up.

Before I started using the liquid bloom during budding, I would pull down perhaps 2 pounds off of 15 or so plants. The first year I used the bloom my harvest jumped to 14 lbs. I was stunned by the difference. Ever since then my yields have been consistently big and the only difference was adding the bloom.

My brothers yield jumped even more than mine,because his spots are a lot sunnier than mine. He is in eastern Washington in the cascade foothills.

You only need to use miracle grow tomato formula, or any 20-20-20 type fertilizer with it at 2-3 tablespoons per five gallon every watering. No need to bother with the liquid grow or micro, just the bloom. If you want to give them a nice dose of trace nutrients give them a tablespoon or two of alaska fish fertilizer once or twice a month.

You will love the results, guarenteed, and you will never go back.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I dont know how the fuck I missed your journal, but Im sub'd now for sure!!!!

I just read the whole thing, your pictures are very very nice.

Impressive outdoor grow my friend :weed:

Looks like you live in paradise, haha great scenery

Hey, BigToe's in the house!! Bout fuckin time!! Yeah, I don't know how you fuckin missed my shit either!! Must be all those tomatoes!;)

Speaking of tomatoes, peep my 6' monsters ( well, one of 'em anyway ). I can farm too!!! Hahaha

I also have a few pepper plants goin as well.........whoop whoop!!!

Thank's for the props on my grow, BigToe!! Hahaha I'll be postin through harvest so keep watchin. Now I'm gonna trip on over to your threads!!!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
wow fabulous tomatoes and peppers .... great photos, great plants .... thanks for sharing that! Walk On!!~~


Well-Known Member
Use it every time you water, start with 1 or 2 tablespoons per five gallons and work up to five tablespoons per five gallons by September. It does not build up in the soil because it is super soluble so you need to add it every watering. It increased my yields by six times and up.

Before I started using the liquid bloom during budding, I would pull down perhaps 2 pounds off of 15 or so plants. The first year I used the bloom my harvest jumped to 14 lbs. I was stunned by the difference. Ever since then my yields have been consistently big and the only difference was adding the bloom.

My brothers yield jumped even more than mine,because his spots are a lot sunnier than mine. He is in eastern Washington in the cascade foothills.

You only need to use miracle grow tomato formula, or any 20-20-20 type fertilizer with it at 2-3 tablespoons per five gallon every watering. No need to bother with the liquid grow or micro, just the bloom. If you want to give them a nice dose of trace nutrients give them a tablespoon or two of alaska fish fertilizer once or twice a month.

You will love the results, guarenteed, and you will never go back.
Wow!! That's a most impressive jump from 2 to 14 lbs!! And were all other things constant between grows? Strain, soil, exposure, etc.? Things have changed quite a bit since I last grew, and I'm not at all opposed to trying new things, especially if we're talkin exponential increases in yield!!! I've got some Earthjuice Microblast for trace elements I give 'em every couple of weeks, but maybe I'll try the G.H. Bloom, for sure!! Maybe I'll just continue using the Age Old Grow 12-6-6 with it during flowering. Hmmmm, food for thought. What do ya think?

Thanks for gettin back to me so soon!!


Well-Known Member
wow fabulous tomatoes and peppers .... great photos, great plants .... thanks for sharing that! Walk On!!~~
Thank's Tahoe, and you're welcome also!! You know, I was gonna talk to you anyway. You wouldn't happen to have the # for the girl in your avatar would ya? I'm thinkin I REALLY need to converse ( ;-) ) with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just for a minute.........well maybe 7 minutes might do it!! Hook a brutha up!!!:hump:

I got some good maters. Corn too. At my condo, lol.:hump:
Hell yeah!! N.E.L.'s a farmer too!! And they said pimpin' 'an farmin' was dead!!!! Hahaha That's what I'm talkin about too, I need to grow some damn corn. Don't know if anything really tastes better than your own fresh corn. ( Take that how you will. Haha )

Sweet bro!! I'm jealous!!:evil:....................:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey ..... hahaha .... yea .... I luv dem cowgirls .... rodeo princesses ..... milking maidens ..... hahahaha .... shit now ya got me started ... LOL! Walking On!!~~~~~ :joint::joint::joint::joint:
Thank's Tahoe, and you're welcome also!! You know, I was gonna talk to you anyway. You wouldn't happen to have the # for the girl in your avatar would ya? I'm thinkin I REALLY need to converse ( ;-) ) with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just for a minute.........well maybe 7 minutes might do it!! Hook a brutha up!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Wow!! That's a most impressive jump from 2 to 14 lbs!! And were all other things constant between grows? Strain, soil, exposure, etc.? Things have changed quite a bit since I last grew, and I'm not at all opposed to trying new things, especially if we're talkin exponential increases in yield!!! I've got some Earthjuice Microblast for trace elements I give 'em every couple of weeks, but maybe I'll try the G.H. Bloom, for sure!! Maybe I'll just continue using the Age Old Grow 12-6-6 with it during flowering. Hmmmm, food for thought. What do ya think?

Thanks for gettin back to me so soon!!
It sounds good. That is what I do, just keep using my vegetative fertilizer at about the same strength I use for vegetative. Most of the soil I have grown is heavy in clay. Usually I grow in swamps when the water level goes down in the summer (easy to dig a well) but I have grown in hardpan clay mixed with broken up sticks and still had good results. As long as it drains fairly well and you use lime, you should be good.

Another thing that increases yield is to widen the stain when you water. Instead of just watering around the base of the plant, I water a wider and wider area as they flower. The buds get a lot fatter with the wide root mass. you also get more terminals because the side branches lengthen. Wide root mass = wider/more terminal buds.

One 'problem'. When the buds start getting big they want to flop over or break. Especially when it rains. I pound four tall branches into the ground around the plant, tie string around them then run support strings through the plant. This can be an ongoing battle but if you tie them up well enough, they wont break or fall apart.

During vegetative, I water every week. During flowering, I water every other week but give them twice as much water.

The only marked difference from the way I did it previously was using the bloom. Taper the nitrogen fertilizer down towards the end and none the last week or two, but keep adding the bloom to the end.

The strains that Ive used are ones that I got from seedbanks that finish in late September. Generally ones that are relatively cheap and potent. Ive had bad luck with early finishing purple strains. Ive also had bad luck with strains that finish too early. Anything in the last half of september works for me.

The more exposure to sun, the bigger the yield. The most I got was almost two pounds off a plant that I grew in a swamp, that got horizon to horizon sun.

The beauty of swamps, besides the fact the you can easily dig a well, is NOBODY GOES INTO SWAMPS!!



Well-Known Member
udders.... LOL..... was just joking around about udders the other day ;)
I would never ever joke about udders!!:hump:

It sounds good. That is what I do, just keep using my vegetative fertilizer at about the same strength I use for vegetative. Most of the soil I have grown is heavy in clay. Usually I grow in swamps when the water level goes down in the summer (easy to dig a well) but I have grown in hardpan clay mixed with broken up sticks and still had good results. As long as it drains fairly well and you use lime, you should be good.

Another thing that increases yield is to widen the stain when you water. Instead of just watering around the base of the plant, I water a wider and wider area as they flower. The buds get a lot fatter with the wide root mass. you also get more terminals because the side branches lengthen. Wide root mass = wider/more terminal buds.

One 'problem'. When the buds start getting big they want to flop over or break. Especially when it rains. I pound four tall branches into the ground around the plant, tie string around them then run support strings through the plant. This can be an ongoing battle but if you tie them up well enough, they wont break or fall apart.

During vegetative, I water every week. During flowering, I water every other week but give them twice as much water.

The only marked difference from the way I did it previously was using the bloom. Taper the nitrogen fertilizer down towards the end and none the last week or two, but keep adding the bloom to the end.

The strains that Ive used are ones that I got from seedbanks that finish in late September. Generally ones that are relatively cheap and potent. Ive had bad luck with early finishing purple strains. Ive also had bad luck with strains that finish too early. Anything in the last half of september works for me.

The more exposure to sun, the bigger the yield. The most I got was almost two pounds off a plant that I grew in a swamp, that got horizon to horizon sun.

The beauty of swamps, besides the fact the you can easily dig a well, is NOBODY GOES INTO SWAMPS!!


Sweet bro, I'm on it!! Thanks for the info!! I'm gonna give some of your suggestions a try, and we'll see how we do.

So keep watchin!!!!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
maintaining N during flowering is a good thing to do, ;)........ sun exposure is definitely key.... and water water water those flowering plants, they will use it ;)

my daughter said "are we going to wait for the udders?" (others)

my mom said "why are you thirsty"

my daughter said "No, I just really want the udders"

Started a running joke in the conversation......

I said "How many of those udders do you want?" ;)


Well-Known Member
priceless moments to last you a lifetime .... Walking On!!~~ :peace:
maintaining N during flowering is a good thing to do, ;)........ sun exposure is definitely key.... and water water water those flowering plants, they will use it ;)

my daughter said "are we going to wait for the udders?" (others)

my mom said "why are you thirsty"

my daughter said "No, I just really want the udders"

Started a running joke in the conversation......

I said "How many of those udders do you want?" ;)


Well-Known Member
maintaining N during flowering is a good thing to do, ;)........ sun exposure is definitely key.... and water water water those flowering plants, they will use it ;)

my daughter said "are we going to wait for the udders?" (others)

my mom said "why are you thirsty"

my daughter said "No, I just really want the udders"

Started a running joke in the conversation......

I said "How many of those udders do you want?" ;)

That's some comedy TLD!! I've got 5 kids, well 3 are adults now, but I have 2 girls, 2 & 7, still at home, and they have me crackin up all the time! When I let them out of their kennels anyway!!! Hahaha Just playin!! Yeah, family is where it all starts.......precious moments indeed!!

Oh, I just gotta say, my 7 yr old digs the hell outta Tool, has a poster of them on her wall ( she stole it from me and put it right next to Spongebob ), and made me PROMISE to take her to a Tool concert next time they're around. Whatareyagonnado? I guess it runs in the family!!

Thanks for sharin!