Okay so we chopped the other 2 ladiez down today around 4PM. They didnt get any light at all for the last 28 hours or so. The big mystery female took up 4 whole wire hangers PACKED with limbs. We weighed one of her bigger limbs wet and it weighed up at 193 grams

Expecting GREAT results from her. The "runt" we just cut off at her base and hung her up as the whole plant. She was about 16" wide and maybe 18" tall altogether. She weighed 145 grams, but thats the whole plant. Either way should be some killer smoke. I lent my camera to a family member for somethin so I couldnt take pics....AGAIN :*(
We trimmed all the leaves off the big female down to just bud. The little one we got most of the huge stuff off of her and left some of the smaller, frostier stuff. Some minor touch-ups on both and should be good to go for curing. Once we had most of the trimming done we hung them in the flowering chamber from the ceiling. Got a regular-sized box fan blowing on the bottom, a 10" mini-fan blowing air in the middle, and the 400CFM exhaust fan sucking it all out up top so hopefully that'll help speed the air-drying process along. We dont wanna lose any of those dense colas to budrot or whatnot. Temps around em were a steady 75F and humidity in there was 50% and the light's been off for 2 days almost. Nice and dark so we shall see! I'm gonna try my damndest to get somemore pics of them 2morrow sometime....even if I gotta be late for work lmao. 3-5 days for the airdry we figure on the big one and prolly 3 full days for the runt to get mostly dry then it's into jars for em. Umm....thats bout it for today. I'll let the pics do the talking laterz HA