Mysterious Spiral Over Norway


New Member
It is a good thing a US missile scientist explained things.

We were concerned why there were no super secret scientists stepping up and explaining things.

NOW We know the explanation

everyone back to Dream.


New Member
The timing of Obama arriving for the Nobel peace prize and the ICBM being launched is the real story. :wink:

They are laughing at him.


New Member
Hardly, since he gave a war speech for receiving the Nobel peace prize. Nice, but the Russians won't be fooled, neither will Iran.

We aren't feared. The only thing that prevents despots. Obama gives great speeches, but no one believes them.

An empty prize for an empty suit.


Well-Known Member
Hardly, since he gave a war speech for receiving the Nobel peace prize. Nice, but the Russians won't be fooled, neither will Iran.

We aren't feared. The only thing that prevents despots. Obama gives great speeches, but no one believes them.

An empty prize for an empty suit.
Again, our ICBM's work. Theirs make a trippy design in the sky. Tough to send a message when the other guy knows you can't get delivered on his soil. I'm sure you can agree that trying to send a message with a botched missile test is not something that the Russians can be proud of (nor Iran since they get a lot of technology from Russia). The Russians had lots of egg on their faces after the failure. Obama got the last laugh.


New Member
Again, our ICBM's work. Theirs make a trippy design in the sky. Tough to send a message when the other guy knows you can't get delivered on his soil. I'm sure you can agree that trying to send a message with a botched missile test is not something that the Russians can be proud of (nor Iran since they get a lot of technology from Russia). The Russians had lots of egg on their faces after the failure. Obama got the last laugh.
Don't be so sure our missiles work. We have an aged system and testing is very very limited. There is also no way of knowing if it was a simple test or brand new technology they were experimenting with. that much will never be made public.

It's one big competition out there folks. It's isn't a global campfire waiting for a verse of Kumbaya. Only liberals think that way.