Mysterious Spiral Over Norway

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
more people should experience the respect of east europeans ,they were treated like dogs , and have such a profound respect for the opportunities we have here in the states


New Member
Taz and his friends were so friendly and appreciative of the USA. They also all thought Americans were terribly spoiled and out of touch with the global community. I had to agree.


Well-Known Member
So this errant missile stayed perfectly in the sky for more than 2 minutes? not going anywhere? and eventually looks like a worm hole? Im with the next guy. There is nothing like it that I can find ANYWHERE, Ive looked for over an hour. If you could show me anything that would be comparable I would gladly believe its a missile. But all signs point to no. If anything right now It would seem like it has something to do with tesla.
So this errant missile stayed perfectly in the sky for more than 2 minutes? not going anywhere? and eventually looks like a worm hole? Im with the next guy. There is nothing like it that I can find ANYWHERE, Ive looked for over an hour. If you could show me anything that would be comparable I would gladly believe its a missile. But all signs point to no. If anything right now It would seem like it has something to do with tesla.
Haha, Yah, I could see that comparison. :lol: :clap: +rep


New Member
We dream of things Teslaed.

"Due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist. Tesla never put much focus on his finances. It is said he died impoverished, at the age of 86."

But was he happy?


New Member
Well dude, the electromagnetic wormhole is 100% scientific fact, but just out of our technological grasp.

A scientific fact? Not unless it is reproducible and able to be verified.

I must have missed the tests with electromagnetic wormholes in the science journals....


Active Member
So this errant missile stayed perfectly in the sky for more than 2 minutes? not going anywhere? and eventually looks like a worm hole? Im with the next guy. There is nothing like it that I can find ANYWHERE, Ive looked for over an hour. If you could show me anything that would be comparable I would gladly believe its a missile. But all signs point to no. If anything right now It would seem like it has something to do with tesla.



New Member
We have no trouble believing our eyes that something phucking whicked is happening there.

We also understand the high power transmittable over much of the Known Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Are you Aware of what Navies can do underwater at specific frequencies?



Active Member
ok now that i've calmed down... clearly this is just a failed missile test. I'd love to believe it were something cooler (it's pretty cool already) but reason gets in the way. how many wormholes have you seen? so that's what they look like eh...

this is a bigass 5-stage intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of like 5,000 miles, the kind you use to launch nukes over oceans. it failed at the beginning of stage 3, plenty of fuel left over to create the spectacular fireworks display. obviously it wasn't stationary, that blue trail marks its path of ascent.

the white spiral is gas being ejected from the side of the third stage, causing the missile to spin out of control. the blue trail is from the still-burning 3rd stage motor, it's blue because of sunlight scattering off the aluminum oxide used in the rocket's solid propellant.

btw, tesla's dead :(


Active Member
i've seen successful launches from my backyard that look exactly like this without the spiraling. with mine own two eyes!


Well-Known Member
so if that is a missile it so happens that it happened over in china also at different times...I don’t know I would like to think it is a missile but throughout my 33 years alive and the countless failed missile test launches that have been publicized I have never seen anything like that. I’m not a scientist by any means so I have no explanation for it. But don’t believe the hype...
I would have to say it a giant Bat Signal…Holy Shit Batman!!!!!
Im high forgive me...Lol


New Member
It appears to Us that the atmosphere is being stirred by something spinning like a bullet.

Is it possible for a rapid series of extremely minuscule rail gun projectiles to create such an effect if they were traveling Very Fast?

Our question is What Exactly The Fuck Is That Particular Effect?


Active Member
the thing that happened over china- it was the same kinda thing. it's not every day someone launches an ICBM within the visible range of a large population, and encounters this unique failure (leaking motor) so it's not hard to believe you could live 33 years and never hear of such a thing. sometimes shit like this can happen but other world events at the time receive greater publicity. like when nobody knew that mitch hedberg died 'cause it was the same week the fucking pope died, fuckin TRAVESTY. hedberg > pope.

ok, i'm a little high too.


Active Member
also the time of day is important in creating this effect... if it happens on the side of the planet completely opposite the sun, there would be no sunlight to create that blue spiral. if it happened in the daytime, you wouldn't be able to see this shit happening in space.


New Member
Usually countries like Russia and China don't broadcast their failures. That's why the previous silences. Until Clinton foolishly sent our experts over to China to fix their missile technology, China created quite a few of these. Let's hope Iran's missiles make the same light show as opposed to the one they truly intend.


Well-Known Member

i've seen successful launches from my backyard that look exactly like this without the spiraling. with mine own two eyes!
So you have seen the exact same thing that looks nothing like it? makes sense....lmfao its definatly a missle then...

"thats hat is exactly like mine!!! except mines blue, is a different style, and has different designs on it!, but its exact!"

teslas dead, his ideas and technologies are not.