My work won't let me quit


Well-Known Member
Oh no Mexicans pay Mexicans no matter what. I could sit in the kitchen do nothing and still make money. I can do whippits while I'm working and stare at the wall for 10 minutes at a time, gringos or no gringos, I'm still making a paycheck


Well-Known Member
I get paid even when doing nothing, thinking no customers no pay is such a white way of thinking. No Mexican I have ever worked with has refused to pay me. I could smoke weed all day and sit around. Worst case scenario they send me home and still pay me every centavo I was supposed to make. You ste beer/alcohol? By all means come back to work tomorrow. You spent all day smoking weed and tripping LSD at work? Here's your check miguelito, hasta mañana wey


Well-Known Member
The day the people stopped showing up we closed the business. Thank god for the unemployment check.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
do you understand if there are no customers coming in the fucking place, there's no need for you? no biz = no pesos to pay your ass
i don't give a fuck who your boss is or where the fuck he came from. he ain't gonna pay your ass to stand around with no pesos coming in the damn door


Well-Known Member
I worked then went home and smoked and went to sleep you pinche puto mayate verga puto perro gringos hype up a "fiesta" that real pinche méxicanos don't give a FUCK about. Us pinche marrános are tired of you whetos raping our food chains and restaurants for your alcoholism
When I was in Frisco for 2 years the Mexicans party like a motherfucker on cinco dey mayo... And now you hate white ppl cause 1 lazy chick wouldn't help you? Well maybe she thought you were going to hack her to pieces with a knife because youbare el Salvadoran.... You should have quit that job I think its beating you....


Well-Known Member
When I was in Frisco for 2 years the Mexicans party like a motherfucker on cinco dey mayo... And now you hate white ppl cause 1 lazy chick wouldn't help you? Well maybe she thought you were going to hack her to pieces with a knife because youbare el Salvadoran.... You should have quit that job I think its beating you....
Is THAT why they call me Mara? And hide when I slice the veggies ever so carefully with that evil salvatuca look in my eyes?
And I never said anything about a lazy chick not helping me ;) misquoted for truth!
Just cause I'm el Salvadoran don't mean shit bro. Meet me in real life, I couldn't harm a fly (unless it was already injured and I was just putting it out of its misery) bro... I apologize to the trees when I run into branches there's no way I could harm a sentient human being

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I worked then went home and smoked and went to sleep you pinche puto mayate verga puto perro gringos hype up a "fiesta" that real pinche méxicanos don't give a FUCK about. Us pinche marrános are tired of you whetos raping our food chains and restaurants for your alcoholism
Tiene un poquito pinche drogas? :0


Well-Known Member
well.. i'm the "dickhead" that pulls over to help cars on the side of the road..
open doors for women too
so yea.
guess we differ.

Perhaps when you are in a pinch next time, and someone helps you, you can pay that forward.
Or not
I do the same. Help others.

Staying for the holiday is within reason. The whole vacation thing is a guilt trip. How foes an employee leaving screw up other peoples vacation?


Well-Known Member
Is THAT why they call me Mara? And hide when I slice the veggies ever so carefully with that evil salvatuca look in my eyes?
And I never said anything about a lazy chick not helping me ;) misquoted for truth!
Just cause I'm el Salvadoran don't mean shit bro. Meet me in real life, I couldn't harm a fly (unless it was already injured and I was just putting it out of its misery) bro... I apologize to the trees when I run into branches there's no way I could harm a sentient human being
You just agreed with me while you were trying to disagree lol


Well-Known Member
I do the same. Help others.

Staying for the holiday is within reason. The whole vacation thing is a guilt trip. How foes an employee leaving screw up other peoples vacation?
It doesn't really except that may/June is super busy for catering orders, and in this scenario, me leaving would leave two cooks to work seven days, as opposed to three cooks rotating schedule for seven days