
Well-Known Member
Dude I have air conditioning in my house and it's not doing shit. I HAD to go swimming. Like couldn't not go swimming. I would have died.


Active Member
I hear you there, I went out and got in the kids' pool yesterday after work (landscaping) cuz I was too hot to drive to the lake LOL. The kids' pool is like 8 feet wide by 3 feet deep though, so it worked well enough. Supposed to be 90 again today here, I don't know how much more of the shit I can take LOL.

Mk, my skunk is dead, not droopy, but I think it was the heat. I also have a wilty WW, also due to the heat I believe...but my autos fucking love it!


Well-Known Member
Deal with the heat bitches. Grab your balls, grow a beard and man the fuck up. Lumberjacks can cut down the entire amazon rainforest in weather hotter than this drinking only a single daisy cup of water. Mountain men laugh at temperatures over 100 and just carry a mother fucking glacier on their back to stay cool.

What? What? Got some more complaints? Piece of advice, if you happen to catch on fire from this terrible heat there are 3 simple steps - Stop. Drop. Beard.



Well-Known Member
shrooms kicked my ass I'm tired as hell
here's the video nothoing ot tell today still



Well-Known Member
Looks alot like my first cfl grow. I yielded two ounces per plant with more cfl's than you have there. I used 60 watt 2300K, about four of them and multiple 26 watters, as many as I could fit in my closet, with cheap mylar equivalent of silver wrapping paper from family dollar, LOL! Four ounces of killer, skunky bagseed!! The best weed is what you grow yourself !! The plants were only about four feet tall and not too bushy since I was space limited. Good looking bitches, great job so far. Now just start 12/12 and you are on your way to some nice smoke hopefully!


Active Member
Deal with the heat bitches. Grab your balls, grow a beard and man the fuck up. Lumberjacks can cut down the entire amazon rainforest in weather hotter than this drinking only a single daisy cup of water. Mountain men laugh at temperatures over 100 and just carry a mother fucking glacier on their back to stay cool.

What? What? Got some more complaints? Piece of advice, if you happen to catch on fire from this terrible heat there are 3 simple steps - Stop. Drop. Beard.

Being a woman, I can't grab my balls or grow a beard, so I'll just continue to bitch about the heat. Thanks for the advice though Grizz lol


Active Member
Looks alot like my first cfl grow. I yielded two ounces per plant with more cfl's than you have there. I used 60 watt 2300K, about four of them and multiple 26 watters, as many as I could fit in my closet, with cheap mylar equivalent of silver wrapping paper from family dollar, LOL! Four ounces of killer, skunky bagseed!! The best weed is what you grow yourself !! The plants were only about four feet tall and not too bushy since I was space limited. Good looking bitches, great job so far. Now just start 12/12 and you are on your way to some nice smoke hopefully!
Pretty sure they are on 12/12, and have been for at least a couple weeks....

Boy I sure do love it when people actually read the thread!


Well-Known Member
ha ha yeah happens a lot. No biggie, lol.
Man I was effed up last night. I couldn't even think about typing, lol.
So yeah still nothing. No mail, male, or females. lol
Actually that one plant is looking more and more like a male everyday. Gonna let it mature as much as possible so I can at least try to get some butter out of him.
Apparently they dried up pretty good the other day. They bounced back a bit but got some dried dead leaves on the male looking plant. I'm thinking the heat is taking a toll on them and that's why they're so slow to show sex. It's gotten increasingly hotter and hotter over the last week or so, so I'm thinking that's most likely why they're not showing anything yet.

Silent Running

Active Member
Actually, I did grab my balls. The white widow male is mine. Grabbed his balls this morning to milk some more pollen before I chop him. :joint::twisted: