
Well-Known Member
yeah man. I'm trying to go down the park or something like that. It's friggin awesome outdoors. Only thing is if these are as strong as they're supposed to be i think i might just be better at home instead of somewhere near a river, lol


Well-Known Member
Have you ever socially injected Komodo Dragon venom and sold your wife to gangsters in payment of a gambling debt? What happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.
nice looking plants dude! And if you think its goin to be a male, you're probably right. Your first pic looks kinda like there might be a female preflower there behind the bract But, from now on YOU WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT AN EARLY MALE FLOWER LOOKS LIKE. my males showed their sex after just 4 days of 12/12(all 3 of them) and my females are just now starting to show whats under their skirts. Males always pop out first. Best of luck to ya man. I'll definitley looking for new posts from ya.

Silent Running

Active Member
Yep natty. Thanks for the lesson. Once again, sorry I didn't read "far down enough" to see it was said. I was baked and left a comment. I shouldn't have since I had nothing to contribute.

Again, thanks for the lesson.


Well-Known Member
Hmm I would rather keep him here, lol. At least he doesn't type like some of the other idiots on here, and to be honest, I've commented on stuff, only to realize the last post before mine was 2 years ago. lol

P.s. Silent - Your Lowriders are looking nice :)

Silent Running

Active Member
Thanks Bill. I'm going to go back to lurking and following the thread without commenting so I don't clutter it up. Learning a lot from you guys and I don't want to be seen as a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Nah it's all good man, lately there has been a few clowns on this thread though, that is why everyone was so quick to jump down your throat.


Active Member
Sry silent, I thought u were bein a dick, honest misunderstanding. Can we be friends? It's so hard to tell the tone of things that are said over the computer. There is also a link in my signature that alot of the same ppl post in, feel free to stop by...