My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.


Well-Known Member
niiioooccee. hope this works for ya. i got my own lil grow going. +1 for trying. nothing teaches better then first hand experience.


it is stretching pretty have to get that under control first bro......i grow wit cfls so u want them pretty close like 2 inches....good 1 good luck
hey potato, stopping by. For one clear cups arn't the #1 choice cause roots don't like the light... 2, are you using any nutrients cause i notice your first set of leaves are already dying off. (shouldnt be a problem) You want to use water until its around 6 inches
Thanks for stopping by Kev, yeah I've heard it wasn't the best choice but its all I had at the time, I am not using any at all, but i did just pick up a bottle of super thrive since my plants are wilting especially the one I moved into a pot outside...guessing transplant shock and its hotter than hell in Texas.
Thanks guys, yeah they have went through some stretch...I have them outside now, haven't posted any new pictures yet but I will tomorrow with a REAL camera this time and not my phone lol. Yellow and wilted a bit from heat stress (I've put those things through hell) and one I think might have transplant shock...I only moved one into a big pot. But at the moment I am also working on a PC grow box, its looking real good. I stopped using that shop light fluorescent tubes and moved to CFL's for my PC grow.