My very first grow. Advice is always helpful.

I have 2 bag seed that sprouted today. I have them planted in 2 party cups. My soil is Miracle Grow Organic Choice BECAUSE I haven't got my FFoF yet. I'm getting the FFoF next week. I will be using no nutes at all. Just trying to learn off these 2 first before I go messing around with that kind of stuff. It will be an outdoor grow. Right now I just have them sitting in a window because everything outside that does not have some sort of shade is being killed by mold...anyways, that's why they're in the window. I'll move them outside and transplant to FFoF next week.

So here they are:



New Member
good choice of dixie cups. make sure you made holes in the bottom of them to drain out excess water.. wait about a week of growth then transplant them into " 1 gallon pots " after about 2 weeks of growth transplant them into 3 or 5 gallon pots. This is your best idea for growing a nice plant at about 3 weeks feed your babys with 5 drops superthrive and half strenght better grow 25/14/13 next week same thing but up the super grow to full strengh. Feed ever 2 to 3 days. its the best way, you want to think your plants are thristy after the 3rd day ... In 5 gallon pots water one gallon water 5 drops superthrive full strengh better gro. in one gallon pots use about 1/4 of gallon of water.


Active Member
looks like there strechin they need more light is there anwhere you can put it were it will get more light?

peace :bigjoint:
looks like there strechin they need more light is there anwhere you can put it were it will get more light?
I'm sure it was only stretching because I put the seed in soil and then put that on a shelf in a closet so it got no light and was about 78 degrees till it sprouted. I forgot to check on it one day so it must have sprouted that day and the second day rolled around it starting stretching. What do you think?
good choice of dixie cups. make sure you made holes in the bottom of them to drain out excess water.. wait about a week of growth then transplant them into " 1 gallon pots " after about 2 weeks of growth transplant them into 3 or 5 gallon pots. This is your best idea for growing a nice plant at about 3 weeks feed your babys with 5 drops superthrive and half strenght better grow 25/14/13 next week same thing but up the super grow to full strengh. Feed ever 2 to 3 days. its the best way, you want to think your plants are thristy after the 3rd day ... In 5 gallon pots water one gallon water 5 drops superthrive full strengh better gro. in one gallon pots use about 1/4 of gallon of water.
I'm gona put that in my notes of nuggets since I can be a forgetful person lol. But on this grow I'm using no nutes at all.
Get that light closer bud :)
Alright money, let me jump in my big ass space ship and pull the sun towards the earth a little :lol: Just playing with you. Did you read the reply I put earlier to another guy saying my plants are stretching? Read that if you didn't. Thanks for stoppin by money, hope your plant doesn't get chopped down...gona make me cry lol

Thanks HistoryPuff, I have to say I'm a bit nervous to having a failure of a first grow but I guess we'll see.
Alright, I have 2 T8 shop light bulbs and a box fan running in my closest now. I'm only using this now so I can get the leafs a bit bigger so it can provide shade to keep mold from growing outside (grows everywhere without shade). I know this will work because my oregano is doing just fine now that is like a mini bush lol. Anyways here are some pics since we all love em.

In the 3rd picture, the leafs are not shriveled up, the shell of the seed is still hangin in there and there are 2 tiny pedal leafs.



Active Member
Most ppl's first grows aren't that amazing. Of course some people have a natural green thumb, but mine wasn't that great either cause it had to be hidden from my roommate. Best advice I can give: learn from small mistakes like watering, nute feeding, plant stress and your next grow will be twice as better. After you have small kinks worked out the only thing that matters is your light output, really. You'll be fine, braaah


Well-Known Member
Looks like some stretching happening for sure but you can recover, I've seen worse, one thread on here in fact had a guy growing bagseeds in a box with an incandescent bulb. Talk about stretched, yours are ok so far but you should consider more lighting. I posted this in another thread but you can get 10,000 lumens for about $25 using CFLs:

Socket: $2.29 each
Y-Adabter: $2.69 each
Power Strip $3.27 each

CFL Bulbs either 6500K Spectrum or 2700K spectrum are $.99 each from my local Ace Hardware store. For 10,500 lumens (like mine) the total cost is $24.18 and you're cooking.
Looks like some stretching happening for sure but you can recover, I've seen worse, one thread on here in fact had a guy growing bagseeds in a box with an incandescent bulb. Talk about stretched, yours are ok so far but you should consider more lighting. I posted this in another thread but you can get 10,000 lumens for about $25 using CFLs:

Socket: $2.29 each
Y-Adabter: $2.69 each
Power Strip $3.27 each

CFL Bulbs either 6500K Spectrum or 2700K spectrum are $.99 each from my local Ace Hardware store. For 10,500 lumens (like mine) the total cost is $24.18 and you're cooking.
Oooo, thank you. I'll definitely look into it.
Alright, here is day 10. Sorry, I've been at the Frio River for the past week and finally got back. If whoever didn't go back and read, I had my brother water my plants and he actually did a good job. Even looked up on how to distill his own damn water!!!:shock: lol. So here is the update. And sorry for he bad pictures...keep forgetting to use my camera and then I'm too lazy to go back and take new ones. The stretching stopped as well. I also stacked some CD albums under the cups to have them right in between the 2 bulbs.



Well-Known Member
hey potato, stopping by. For one clear cups arn't the #1 choice cause roots don't like the light... 2, are you using any nutrients cause i notice your first set of leaves are already dying off. (shouldnt be a problem) You want to use water until its around 6 inches