MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

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New Member
any recomendations for tubs?

i could use rebbermades...

or i could use the sinks you guys link, but i think i want something with a flat bottom if im going to do the dwc... what do you think?


New Member
and could i use that 4 way sprayer thing sited at the beginig pages of this thread... can i use it with low pressure, or do they make one for low pressure?

if not, how many sprayers do you think i would need in a tub, 2, both in the middle firing away from eachother, or 4 all firing away form eachother?



Well-Known Member
dont give up on the stealth. rooms can be made very stealthy. just be creative with something to go across the door. its always good to have stealth that will pass a walk thru. you never know about exigent circumstances. will never save you from a serious examination from the man (cause of thier sniffer friends)but a good stealth room will save you from just about anything else if done properly.
Yeah, thats why i decided to build this closet. That tent was just too big for the room that it was in. I can also get more room with building this closet. I will have it totally stealth. Just look likes a walkin closet and i am building the floor about 2in off the main floor bc I have a floor ac/heat vent that I want to cover so I can vent fresh air from the floor that I have off the main floor in different parts of the room by putting fans in the floor that is built up. Just run the fans that are farther away at higher speeds to try and get an even temp through out. Building it up will keep the light from coming out from under the door also. If yall have any comments or input Id love to hear it bc i just got about halfway done today:bigjoint: I am got a hold of a heavy indica and it slowed me down:-P


New Member
what kind of fans are you going to use in the floor?

ive been looking everywhere for cheap deals on cage fans just to move leaves around in the grow room...


Well-Known Member
what kind of fans are you going to use in the floor?

ive been looking everywhere for cheap deals on cage fans just to move leaves around in the grow room...
Well, I havent really decided yet... I thought i might could get by with just some cpu fans, since i was just going to be an couple inches off the ground. I also plan on having might light exhaust on a closed loop, so that will help. But I was going to use vortex inlines for that.


Well-Known Member
and could i use that 4 way sprayer thing sited at the beginig pages of this thread... can i use it with low pressure, or do they make one for low pressure?

if not, how many sprayers do you think i would need in a tub, 2, both in the middle firing away from eachother, or 4 all firing away form eachother?

Hi Sherriberry
The droplet size is likely to suffer at lower pressures.
you can use 30psi using a purple pin adv which opens at 30psi and closes at 13psi. I`d go for at least 35psi though as the smallest pressure loss may prevent the adv from opening at all.

One 4-way will probably fill a 1000L ibc on its own.


Well-Known Member
ive been tempted at times to up the nute temp but didnt want to take the chance of any root problems as im still trying to figure everything else out. i would love to max out the other parameters and then up the solution temp to see what difference it would make. i have also read that true aero can benifit from higher root zone temp as it will increase the plants uptake. another thing i hope to test one day. so many things. so little time.
You could run a different nute temp for each chamber. All you need is 4 small coolers filled with water, a small aquarium heater/stat for each cooler set to the desired temp and some coiled pipe.
Put one inline to each chamber.


Well-Known Member
any recomendations for tubs?

i could use rebbermades...

or i could use the sinks you guys link, but i think i want something with a flat bottom if im going to do the dwc... what do you think?
I went with atomizer and found an ibc tank for 15 dollars. They are a good choice for the netafim foggers. The one I have is 3'x4'x36". I have cut it directly in half to use two chambers 18" tall. If you are not familiar with an ibc, it is what farmers store water and sometimes chemicals... So, if u find a used one make sure that it was just used for water. If you are going to use rubbermaid totes I would use some very large ones bc the root mass will be extremely large as you can tell by tf's pics. The hp isnt for everybody. I jumped in head first and didnt know what i was in for being that i have done some simple dwc and nft, but I have had some great advice from these guys.:clap: Now hopefully i can follow thru and produce...:weed:


Well-Known Member
and could i use that 4 way sprayer thing sited at the beginig pages of this thread... can i use it with low pressure, or do they make one for low pressure?

if not, how many sprayers do you think i would need in a tub, 2, both in the middle firing away from eachother, or 4 all firing away form eachother?

Check this website out it will have everything you need if you choose to go with netafim... You cant order from the site tho. You will have to find a page that distributes for them. I think I purchased mine at but make sure that you get the correct colored pin on the adv's. They also have some other foggers that might work better for what you want.:bigjoint: Hope it works out for you:!:


New Member
i looked around the sites travish,

the blue pin is a 22psi on and 10 psi off.

i think thats what i would want to use, that way im sure it comes on, right?

or, does it LIMIT the pressure to 22psi as well? if it limits, then im in trouble and would need the higher psi ON and OFF.

The pump ive got is the one fatman was using, the iwiki or whatevr its called...

and i think he said its almost a 30psi pump.

anyway... if im using that pump, and keep in mind there are pressure drops over the length of hoses, 22 on 10 off, wouldnt that be the best?


Well-Known Member
i looked around the sites travish,

the blue pin is a 22psi on and 10 psi off.

i think thats what i would want to use, that way im sure it comes on, right?

or, does it LIMIT the pressure to 22psi as well? if it limits, then im in trouble and would need the higher psi ON and OFF.

The pump ive got is the one fatman was using, the iwiki or whatevr its called...

and i think he said its almost a 30psi pump.

anyway... if im using that pump, and keep in mind there are pressure drops over the length of hoses, 22 on 10 off, wouldnt that be the best?
I would think that would be best. I am pretty sure they dont have a limit. I am not a pro at this yet, so you might want to wait on one of these other guys to chime in. Since you are using LP you might not want adv's... Check out the dgt misters on the greenhouse store link i posted and see what you think about those.


Well-Known Member
Well, got my room framed and ready to hang the door! Not much longer, hopefully... I figure I will be back up and running by next weekend. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
@ Sherriberry
The blue pinned AD15 would be the best choice to fit with the pump you have.
The valve opens at 22psi but if the pump will do 30psi thats fine, it doesn`t limit the pressure in any way. When you kill the pump, the pipe pressure drops and when it hits 10psi the valve closes.
You may need to add a check valve after the pump to make sure the 10psi doesn`t bleed off via the pump.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I am designing my room and trying to maxmize my space... That being said I was curious to how big of a nute res that I would need? With my pressurized tank being 20g but only holding about 7g then I should be able to get by on a 20g res, shouldnt I? I am using the netafim foggers with adv's. I am going to put two of the 4 head foggers in one ibc tank but just use one until i might need the other due to the root mass getting in the way. I have some wishfull thinking:bigjoint: Anyway, was just wondering on adequate res size?

tree farmer

Well-Known Member
Ok guys I am designing my room and trying to maxmize my space... That being said I was curious to how big of a nute res that I would need? With my pressurized tank being 20g but only holding about 7g then I should be able to get by on a 20g res, shouldnt I? I am using the netafim foggers with adv's. I am going to put two of the 4 head foggers in one ibc tank but just use one until i might need the other due to the root mass getting in the way. I have some wishfull thinking:bigjoint: Anyway, was just wondering on adequate res size?
i wish i would have ran DTW right from the start. its so much easier and with the low volume of water and nutes used its cost effective also. i only throw away 2 gallons or so a day. not much waste.

with 7 gallon drawdown on your tank you shouldnt need more than 20 gallon res. if you get the misting dialed in you wont go thru much each day so that might last you a few days. i like to mix a couple gallons each day to adjust to what i see going on with the girls. i could mix 20 gallon as thats what the res is but like to be able to try different PH and EC levels so thats why i only mix a few gallons aday. once i get it figured out then yea ill mix the 20 gallons and forget it but a guy has to learn the system and the phenos requirments first.


Well-Known Member
i wish i would have ran DTW right from the start. its so much easier and with the low volume of water and nutes used its cost effective also. i only throw away 2 gallons or so a day. not much waste.

with 7 gallon drawdown on your tank you shouldnt need more than 20 gallon res. if you get the misting dialed in you wont go thru much each day so that might last you a few days. i like to mix a couple gallons each day to adjust to what i see going on with the girls. i could mix 20 gallon as thats what the res is but like to be able to try different PH and EC levels so thats why i only mix a few gallons aday. once i get it figured out then yea ill mix the 20 gallons and forget it but a guy has to learn the system and the phenos requirments first.
You said you throw away a couple of gallons a day... So, you dont recirculate the waste water? Is that not a good idea with these hp systems? Sorry guys but this is a whole new ballgame to me...:dunce:


New Member
It is not a good idea to reuse the nutrient water in any aero or conventional hydroponic system. It is simply cheaper to reuse with the less efficiently designed systems. With fresh pathogen free nutrient water you always know exactly what you are feeding your plants and are assured it is free of disease carrying cells, spores, etc etc. You can also drain to a holding tank so you can exactly measure (short of evaporation) what the pants are uptaking by calcualtiong what you are spraying and subtracting what drains away. It allows you to more easily follow your plants nutrient needs so as to formulate just what works best for the individual strains. It allows you to more readily determine whether or not to raise or lower your room humidity.

Some would simply just say it allows more geek/technical type research of your system and plants.


Well-Known Member
A 30 gal tank would be about 7 gal, i make the drawdown on a 20gal something like 4.77 gal (18L) with 90psi-65psi.

Once-through is the same as dtw except theres no waste, feed from one res that`ll last 24 hours and collect the runoff in another container. The next day, top it up with ro, adjust the ec/ph and use that as the feed res for the next 24 hours.
Its hard work, it takes maybe about 10mins a day :)


Well-Known Member
Cool! Sounds a lot easier than trying to plumb back around to my nute res.:bigjoint: I promise i am going to get this down to an art sooner or later:wall: Yall are life savers:clap:


Well-Known Member
If you collect it in a seperate container you have the choice of re-using or binning it.
You have a fairly large accumulator so it might take upto 48 hours to reach the pumps cut-in pressure depending on the cycle time, you`re futureproofed with plenty of capacity for expansion :)
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